
you can book me:

My preferred way of working with you is to build a lasting, trusting, long-term relationship. However, it’s entirely up to you whether you’d like a one-on-one session or a long-term commitment, whether we connect via phone or in person. You might also consider booking me for company training or speaking engagements.

In any case, I don’t offer a one-size-fits-all approach. I tailor the coaching or training to your specific needs. That’s why I rely on referrals rather than advertisements. Just as every person is unique, I believe every company and team is too.

My work isn’t about selling my process; it’s about helping you achieve your goals. Therefore, it is:

Word-of-mouth. Expensive. Not for everyone.

my menu – coaching prices

Even in a restaurant that specializes in a particular cuisine, not all guests will want to order the same dish. That’s why I’ve created a diverse menu for you. Whether you’re in the mood for a quick taster, a three-course meal, or an all-you-can-eat experience, there’s something here to satisfy your appetite.


The models for upfront payments:

in persona INTENSIVE:

  • special location: Sailing Yacht, Marrakesh, Kilimanjaro etc.
  • entire week
  • 5.000€

personal COACHING:

  • online one on one
  • video call
  • biweekly
  • 500€/month
  • 1.200€/quarter
  • 2.000€/half year
  • 3.000€/full year


  • 250€/month (mastermind)
  • 150€/week (masterclass)

add on prices

expenses for companies

  • 150€/h concept development
  • 350€/h online
  • 450€/h offline
  • 1.500€/full day
  • travel time (50€/h)
  • train 1st class
  • km-compensation by car 0,50€/km
  • lunch as paid
  • dinner as paid
  • overnight as agreed
  • 350€/h public speaking & teaching

regulation for payment & refund

I have a No Refund Policy for a reason. You see I love people who want to play full out. If you’re in, you’re in. It’s called Commitment. “Hell Yes. Or Hell No”. There is nothing else.

  • 30% of agreed fee deposit immediately
  • 50% of agreed fee 31 to 60 days in advance
  • 75% of agreed fee 7 to 30 days in advance
  • 100% of agreed fee due less than 7 day in advance

the “200% responsibility” policy

Great coaching relationships involve 200% responsibility. On my side, I PROMISE you, that I will show up 100%. I will hide nothing. I will hold nothing back. I will give you the most powerful, impactful, kick-ass, life changing experience that you have ever experienced.

On YOUR side, I REQUIRE of you to show up 100%. Hide nothing. Hold nothing back. Take action. Even when you’re afraid. Be vulnerable. Lean into your edge. Take risks. Mess up, screw up, FAIL! Again and again and again. Because more failure is the only guaranteed path to more success.

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