
coaching existed, long before it was called coaching, it was called leadership

Therefor individual COACHING by Florian Hornig and the Simplicity Of Happiness is an extended leadership training. Leadership starts and ends with yourself. The way you think, talk act defines who you are and therefor treat other. No matter if we work for a day, I‘ll ask you the questions no other dares to ask.

limited free coaching sessions

Here’s what I need you to do:

  • If this is not for you, forward this to somebody who needs it.
  • If it’s for you, fill out the contact form and check the FREE SESSION box.
  • Next, we’ll book a call.
  • You decide if it’s in English or German.
  • For our call, I require you to show up 100%. Hide nothing. Hold nothing back. Take action, even when you’re afraid. Be vulnerable. Lean into your edge. Take risks. Mess up, screw up, FAIL!

I will walk you through it an look forward to talk to you, Floh

i am a misfit, are you?

Do you know the feeling of not fitting in? I have been part of groups and teams as long as I can remember. No matter if it was a sports team or a group of friends. Nevertheless it has never been my only passion or my only group of friends. Often I was interested and part of opposite groups and me being the only one trying to fit in both. If you can relate to that, maybe we should have a conversation.

never fit in? make it your strength

Being interested in so many different topics made me a master of none on the one hand and gave me a huge horizon on the other hand. After years of struggling to meet other people’s expectations I realized that I am a master generalist and have a better overview than others. And yet I felt misunderstood for decades.

Whatever organization I used to work in, I always had an outside view as well. I could see problems and most of all potential where others couldn‘t. Because I had such a huge background I could switch between and combine numerous different topics. I became a possibilist but never managed to turn the possibilities I saw into reality. From the outside it looked like success, but I felt like I didn’t achieve enough because I could see all the other possibilities I did not achieve. For what I did achieve I felt like an imposter, as if I didn’t deserve it because I knew about all the possibilities I did not live up to.

why I tell you this?

Because it is who I am and what is the foundation of my coaching. If you can not relate to this we might not be meant for each other BUT if you do, I can show you how to live up to the best version of YOURSELF.

Because the same principles apply to my coaching. I have more than one background and therefor I don‘t pre-frame anything before we meet. I connect the dots and see further than you can for yourself. I see what is possible for you. I see the king and the queen within.

Do you have an idea what I talk about? I know you a high achiever and a superstar. Let us lay and lift the game to the next level.

let us be proud of who we are

It took me a while to figure out that I do not need to fit in, that it is not my weakness but can become my strength. I am convinced that it is the same for you. This COACHING is meant to find your strength, enable you to live into it and grow onto another level.

coaching techniques we might use amongst others

individual COACHING is something for you when:

You are ambitious, passionate & driven to make a difference
You try to meet expectations but often you don‘t fit in
You want to grow as a person, but you lack a sparring partner
Your dreams are bigger & brighter than your reality
Where you are is not where you belong, but you can‘t get out
Something is missing, but you can‘t put your hand on it

You know: something has to happen, it has to be you and it has to be now!

what clients say


Many people are trapped in circumstances they didn’t chose. They try to fulfill the expectations of their partner, family, job or simply society and find themselves at a place, they don‘t belong and yet, they think there is no way out.

The mind is driving them in one direction while the heart is pulling in another. Therefor they are stuck in their own trap.

Resolving that struggle opens room for solutions. I help to align mind and heart and find a path to the place you belong.

Even if you have no clue how to do it.

When you want more choices in your life, let us have a call.

How it all started:

  • evolved from the Glücklichtrainer and Happylife.Coach
  • founded in 2009
  • SOH was a blog and learning platform for ‘life coaching‘ since 2014
  • eventually „Simplicity Of Happiness“ became my platform for information, training & coaching
  • simplicity is about having more we thrive for and less distraction from the important things in life

I want to be
your mentor,
I never had.


Because I can!

I want to help you make better choices. After facing a lot of difficult situations in my own life and struggling without a coach or mentor to ask for help, I want to pass on my learnings and help others.

My main motivation for coaching is to leave an impact for the better.

My experience in a nutshell:

  • 6 years as a headhunter in international executive search
  • 7 years career consultant of the worlds oldest business school
  • 10 years plus as a life coach
  • 20 years plus as an entrepreneur & adventurer
  • full time out of office since 2015
  • 20 years plus leadership experience across different continents
  • I work from the Swiss mountains, Kilimanjaro, Sahara or from a sailing yacht in the med

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