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leadership begins with you

Coaching existed long before it was called coaching—it was simply leadership. For me, coaching is an extension of that; it’s about leading from within. True leadership starts and ends with yourself. The way you think, speak, and act defines who you are and how you treat others. Whether we spend an hour or a day together, I promise to ask you the questions no one else dares to. We will go deeper than you’ve ever gone before.

limited free coaching sessions

Here’s what I need you to do:

  • If this is not for you, forward this to somebody who needs it.
  • If it’s for you, fill out the contact form and check the FREE SESSION box.
  • If this isn’t for you, forward this to someone who needs it.
  • If it is, fill out the contact form and check the FREE SESSION box.
  • We’ll book a call.
  • You decide if it’s in English or German.
  • Show up 100% for our call. Hide nothing. Hold nothing back. Take action, even when you’re afraid. Be vulnerable. Lean into your edge. Take risks. Mess up, screw up, FAIL!

I’ll walk you through it, and I look forward to talking with you.

i am a misfit, are you?

Do you know what it feels like to not fit in? I’ve been part of groups and teams for as long as I can remember—whether it was a sports team or a group of friends. But I’ve always had interests that pulled me in different directions, often finding myself between worlds. If you can relate to feeling like an outsider, maybe we should have a conversation.

turn „not fitting in“ into your strength

My wide-ranging interests made me a master of none, but they also gave me a unique perspective. For years, I struggled to meet other people’s expectations, feeling misunderstood because I didn’t fit neatly into one box. I’ve worked in various organizations but always felt like an outsider, able to see both problems and untapped potential that others missed. I became a possibilist, seeing opportunities everywhere but often struggling to bring them all to life. I looked successful on the outside, but inside, I felt like an imposter, always aware of the possibilities I hadn’t yet realized.

I share this because it’s at the heart of who I am and what shapes my coaching. I connect the dots others can’t see and find the potential in every situation. If you don’t resonate with this, we might not be right for each other. But if you do, I can help you become the best version of yourself.

let us be proud of who we are

It took me a long time to realize that not fitting in wasn’t my weakness—it’s my strength. I believe it’s the same for you. My coaching is designed to help you uncover your strengths, embrace them, and grow into the next level of your life. If you’re ready to stop trying to fit in and start owning who you truly are, let’s connect. Let’s elevate your game together.

It took me a while to figure out that I do not need to fit in, that it is not my weakness but can become my strength. I am convinced that it is the same for you. This COACHING is meant to find your strength, enable you to live into it and grow onto another level.

coaching techniques we might use amongst others

individual COACHING is something for you when:

Ambitious, passionate, & driven to make a difference.
Don’t fit in, despite striving to meet expectations.
Yearning for personal growth but lacking a sparring partner.
Dreaming bigger & brighter than your current reality.
Feeling stuck in a life that doesn’t reflect your true potential.
Sensing that something is missing but unable to identify it.

You know: something has to happen, it has to be you and it has to be now!

what clients say

about simplicity of happiness

Too many people find themselves trapped in lives they never consciously chose—trying to meet the expectations of a partner, family, job, or society. They end up in places where they feel disconnected, believing there’s no way out. It’s like being pulled in two directions: the mind drives you one way while your heart pulls you in another, leaving you stuck in a trap of your own making.

The real change begins when you resolve that inner conflict. By aligning your mind and heart, new possibilities emerge, and you can find the path to where you truly belong—even if you have no idea how to start.

If you’re looking for more choices and a way forward, let’s have a conversation.

How It All Began:

  • evolved from the Glücklichtrainer and Happylife.Coach
  • founded in 2009
  • SOH was a blog and learning platform for ‘life coaching‘ since 2014
  • eventually „Simplicity Of Happiness“ became my platform for information, training & coaching
  • simplicity is about having more we thrive for and less distraction from the important things in life

I’m here to help you make choices that truly empower you. I’ve been through my share of tough times, often feeling lost and without guidance. Without a coach or mentor to turn to, I had to figure things out on my own. Now, I want to share those hard-earned lessons with you so you don’t have to go it alone.

My driving force as a coach is simple: I want to make a positive impact. I believe that by helping you find clarity and direction, we can create meaningful change together.

My Experience in a Nutshell:

  • 6 years as a headhunter in international executive search
  • 7 years career consultant of the worlds oldest business school
  • 10 years plus as a life coach
  • 20 years plus as an entrepreneur & adventurer
  • full time out of office since 2015
  • 20 years plus leadership experience across different continents
  • I work from the Swiss mountains, Kilimanjaro, Sahara or from a sailing yacht in the med