interviews & articles

The Roller Coaster – E237 – Simplicity Of Happiness with Florian Hornig
My Perfect Failure – Failures Are Practice Tests with Florian Hornig
From Sumplace New: The Long-Term Travel Podcast
Life Design Podcast with Carlos and Susanne
DNP78|Florian Hornig: Die Einfachheit des Glücklichseins
Der glückliche Unternehmer: Episode 90 – Simple Minds mit Florian Hornig
SPP 48: Mit Florian Hornig über das Officeless Office, Routinen und Tools

client testimonials
How much easier it is to grow with some guidance
Nike Steiger Adventurer Coaching 21/11/2023
I am a person that tends to seak way too little advise from outside – unfortunately, it`s a very bad habit… Although I do a HUGE amount of self analysing, too often, I am not allowing an outside perspective in, which is a total bummer because it often helps one gain clarity WAY faster than constantly digging within one`s own dirt.
I have seen it so vividly again, how much clearer things become when someone asks the right questions. How much easier it is to grow with some guidance. From each and every conversation that I have had with Floh in the past five years, I have walked away feeling refreshed, strengthened and inspired – and also with a bunch of homework, but hey, he`s a coach and not a magician, right? ;).
So if you sometimes feel that your thoughts are going round in circles but those circles don`t always spiral upwards, then I can defenitely recommend you to try out a free trial session with Floh.
I experienced first hand how he has untangled some of my endless spirals within minutes, so I can write this recommendation with my whole heart behind it.Nike – WhiteSpotPirates
A lot to give
Rob White 21/03/2022
Hello Florian, you have a lot to give to humanity, stay well.
simply brilliant
Benjamin Faist CEO Mastermind 16/12/2020
The MASTERMIND changepreneur is simply brilliant. Florian and the group motivate you to do things that you previously did not trust yourself to be able to do.
You become a bit better each time!
Keep it up!
Amazing coach and podcaster!
Bernhard Tewes Owner Mastermind 16/12/2020
Thanks a lot for your support and asking the right questions. That‘s how coaching should be. All the best from Berlin, Bernhard Tewes.
coaching was incredible
Sophia M. Medical Doctor Coaching 25/11/2020
The coaching with Florian was incredible and I’d recommend it to everyone – be it for personal or professional / career advice! In our coaching we chose to work with the Reiss Motivation Profile®. The model and the interpretation with Florian helped me to put my motivators in life on paper and thus clarify them. I’m now able to understand myself even better – having done other coachings already. Moreover I’m confident to choose a new professional pathway aligning with my motivation profile. Florian even helped me to formulate my application, resulting in me getting the job =) I’m very much looking forward to start working. Thank you Florian!
authentic adventure
Sebastian K. Sahara 23/09/2020
In 2019, I joined Florian, 3 fellow travellers and 3 Berbers (indigenous population of the Moroccan desert) in an organized trip through the Sahara.
If you are looking for a authentic local experience and for a real adventure in a safe and well-organized setting, this is the right choice for you. I am sure that also the other tours in Africa are well-organized, very exciting and fun to join!
I can only recommend it and I am already planning my next adventure trip with Florian!
I still get goosebumps
Claudia Vet Kilimanjaro 19/08/2020
Looking back on this climb I still get goosebumps reliving this incredible experience. After the exhausting climb of Mt Meru it seemed almost imposible to climb 1600m higher to the top of Africa. The exceptional organisation, the very trustworthy team of guides and the mind-blowing presence of Kilimanscharo itself made this trip an unforgettable and breath-taking experience.
a humbling experience
Claudia Vet Mount Meru 19/08/2020
Climbing Mt Meru was a humbling experience and scary at first as I have never climbed a moutnain that high (6400m). I wasn’t sure what to expect. The guides and their team though were amazing and so knowledgeable that I completely trusted them to guide us up the mountain and back down again safely. The most amazing memories from this climb are the views on Mt Kilimanscharo from Little Meru and the steep ridges at the peak with the clouds rushing over them.
very good impulses
Nicole R Human Resources MASTERCLASS officeless office 05/08/2020
I got very good impulses from Florian Hornig’s MASTERCLASS officeless office. Florian presented various tools live and supplemented them with his experience.
We were a small group of participants who tested the tools. Florian responded patiently and competently to individual questions.
It was an enrichment!
officeless office in person
Elke MASTERCLASS officeless office 05/08/2020
Dear Florian,
Thanks for the MASTERCLASS officeless-office. I have experienced you as a “digital native”, who can explain mobile working very well and who lives authentically just like that, more or less as an “officeless office in person”. Your enthusiasm sweeps along! It was very valuable to look over your shoulder. Thank you for sharing your experience.
You showed me possibilities which tools I can use when and in which interplay. You have always focused on how to use the tools, especially in teams. I think your demonstration of how appointments and rules lead to flexibility and commitment in the digital world is a very important aspect.
Greetings from Berlin,
MASTERCLASS officeless office
Nina B. MASTERCLASS officeless office 04/08/2020
In April I took part in the officeless office masterclass. It was a great interactive session in which Florian reported a lot about his experience with various tools. We immediately actively tested the tools and were able to directly gain practical experience, which then led to further questions that we clarified in the virtual meetings.
I recommend the Masterclass to anyone who wants to get rid of their paper in the office. Quite a few great options are discussed on how to organize yourself digitally and go mobil.
In addition, Florian also addresses the mental aspects that go with a paperless office. All in all a well-rounded affair!
Thanks a lot for this.
i am impressed
John Lee Dumas Founder and Host of: Entrepreneurs On Fire 🔥 Coaching 14/07/2020
I am impressed! With everything, your timelines, the depths of your questions and I appreciate the time that I spent with you today.
Thanks Bro.
Steffi K. Medical Doctor KILIMANJARO experience 28/10/2019
One of the first things that comes to mind when I think about the trip is:
A very special form of freedom: freedom from everyday life, the constraints of civilization with all modern achievements.
On the hikes you are forced to deal with yourself and to refer back to the simple things of life: where and what do we eat, when do we sleep, where can I go to the toilet?I never had to push my limits so far. I can recommend this type of travel to anyone who would like to break out of their everyday life.
Thanks for the smooth organization from pickup at the airport to accommodation and selection of a great team that has brought us to the summit.
Especially the local organization of Stella and Chacha was sensational and incredibly nice and professional.
punta ala
christiane s. SAILING experience 16/02/2019
Thank you so much for these memorable 2 days on the boat in Punta Ala.
Florian, you are a spectacular skipper and coach! We hope we can make it to the ESCP Summer Gala in September and see you all again.
Christiane S.
judy h. SAHARA experience I. 16/02/2019
5 days, 4 nights – 8 people, 3 camels – a journey by foot to the physical limits of the individual in the endlessness of the desert.
In the morning we have wonderful hot Moroccan tea. We head on with our backpacks and put one foot in front of the other for the following hours. The rhythm is determined by the camels and the fitness of the individual. Over the midday heat we lie exhausted in the shade of a tree. When the camels are packed again, it’s time for us to leave.The desert is one of the most diverse places that I have ever seen. The surface changes every few kilometers, sand without stones seemed to me the most pleasant.
The last hour of the daily march, when the heat as well as the energy slowly disappears, I look forward to our camp. As soon as we arrive we fall on our mats. We cook and eat lentils with rice. We solve desert puzzles, talk and laugh together about the hardships of the day, before we fall asleep early under the star spangled desert sky.
a fantastic journey
claudi z. SAHARA experience III 16/02/2019
The Sahara tour with Florian was a fantastic journey into a wonderful world. The localization, completely new to me, in terms of landscape, culture, temperature-related challenges and everyday contact with nomads who led us through the desert were the perfect foundation for breaking out of everyday life and questioning and re-thinking established behaviors and habits.
The daily 1-2 hours of loosely designed “workshops” with Florian with changing topics about interpersonal communication and expectations in the daily dealings with fellow human beings, to name only an example, gave food for thought for the daily use. The scope of the tour gives each individual the freedom to be with themselves or to discuss them with their fellow travelers.
The wonderful and very restrained companionship of the two nomads, who casually made up the most delicious dishes from the simplest of ingredients, gave a priceless insight into the life wisdom, bravery and attitudes to the lives of these highly contented people, who combined minimalism with nature Life.
A priceless experience in every respect, where everyone in one way or another reaches its limits and thus grows a bit with the setting of new individual boundaries
a truly exeptional journey
chris m. SAHARA experience I. 16/02/2019
This Sahara trip with Florian and the other participants was a very special experience for me. Our expectations were different – whether coaching, being alone and thinking, adventure, physical activity, wanderlust or limits, they were all fulfilled.
My memory of it?
A truly exeptional journey with a lot of silence, reduction to the essentials, great companions and sleeping outdoors under the African starspangled sky – unique!
decisive impulses
theresa b. RIDING experience II. 16/02/2019
Dear Florian,
the trip to Provence gave me a lot. The time with my horse, Prince and the conversations / the coaching with you reconciled me to myself for a large part. The realization that the frustration does not take me any further, but on the contrary keeps me in the past, has given me decisive impulses. The experience that my horse feels very exactly how I am, has made me reflect many things as well.That I had this time has been infinitely valuable to me. I’m grateful for almost everything that I experienced on this trip. I have reached my limits and overcame these several times. This gives me endless courage to tear down other boundaries in my life as well. I am stronger than before, safer, and far less stuck in the past.
Thank you for everything!
send him to the desert
jan r. SAHARA experience III. 16/02/2019
Everyone knows the saying “send him to the desert”.
When I told my family and friends that I was going into the desert, I heard, “Why?”, “Why something so pointless?”, “That’s totally dangerous!”. When I told them that I went to the desert because of work, I only received pity.
For what brought MY TRIP through the desert, I could at that time already have started to celebrate.
I did not come back as a better person, not even with a better seated meat, nor did I become a radical Muslim. Actually, I stayed.
The seated meat can be explained quickly: I spent two and a half days on a dromedary. It makes, I believe, no difference, whether in a small dinghy storm over the North Sea drives or completely exhausted on such an animal home wants. It rocks like a pig.I have a job where one project comes after the next and the rest periods on the weekend are not enough anymore. I hung my head in the last project, so I had to prepare the next one. Nothing unusual these days. I have been doing this job for a few years already. Changed the company, but still it felt so damned wrong. I had the feeling that I was not happy.
The desert trip, if I just limited myself to this topic, was a possibility for me to let all the thoughts that rush through my head, come and go.
Learn to accept.
You can say, the desert got me hooked. When I got back home, I noticed how this little patch of earth enriched and inspired me.
There is so much to tell about diversity, experiences of nature and one’s own body, of people who simply emerge and disappear from the depths of the desert, about habits that are important, about communication and …
All this is accompanied in a wonderful, personal and professional way by Florian!
the desert is special
thilo w. Head of IT SAHARA experience I. 16/02/2019
In everyday life, I often feel that I am doing x things at the same time, usually in different stages, often intertwined, but sometimes completely independent of each other. This is usually manageable, but sometimes things fall down the back.
Who knows that as well?
After clarifying the essence, whether the water in the bottle is enough until the next stop, so many strange thoughts when running through the desert were no longer necessary. The choice where to put your foot and the slight deviations from the path far behind the camels or previous ones were tangible choices, as well as the handling of the aching body parts and the one, two choices at meals.
The reduction, as an essential goal of this venture, was instantly recognizable in the obvious areas, such as food, clothing or sleeping comfort, and showed how easy things can be … and still work.
But also in conversations a reduction of our own thoughts was recognizable without any consufion with so many other topics.
Was that bad?
No, it also led to a recreational experience there.
Thank you Florian for this experience!
Many Thanks!
georg r. management consultant career coaching 16/02/2019
I thought, decided, looked for a new job, found a new job and started working this week. I am now working for …, a management consultancy from S. I feel much better than before and am convinced that I have found the right thing for me.
I would like to thank you for your help and support.
Thank you for your time.
It has really brought me a lot to talk to and think about things that I did not directly look at myself. Especially the question “What else do you need to decide for you?” Has really triggered a longer thinking process with me. Many Thanks!
I am pleased
thomas w. SAHARA experience I. 16/02/2019
I am pleased about such offers, because they also addresse people who have been working in the profession for a long time and whose career questions have less and less to do with the right application or the perfect CV, but more and more with issues of creating a long-term plan, a sustainable life and career planning. These topics can be shared among like-minded people with hours of walking and even longer breaks under shady palm trees.
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