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clean up your mess

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I received a message from my coach, Rich Litvin, the other day, and it really resonated with me. I believe this is an important leadership insight: often, when people get defensive and make excuses, it stems from an underlying insecurity. How do you handle this when it happens in your team? And how do you deal with it when you catch yourself doing the same? My biggest takeaway from this message is that it’s okay… Read More »clean up your mess

Change in Difficult Times

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challenging times Are you satisfied with how things are currently running? These times are challenging, and many of us feel uncertain or even frightened. In recent conversations, it’s clear that fear of change is prevalent. However, one crucial lesson I’ve learned over the years is that change is constant. Even when it feels like things are staying the same, both we and the world around us are continually evolving. Every moment brings change – people… Read More »Change in Difficult Times

the coaching approval paradox

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I’ve crossed paths with many coaches like myself, deeply passionate about our work for the profound impact it has on our clients. There’s an undeniable joy in unraveling their struggles and leaving them in a better state than we found them. Witnessing that transformation, seeing the light in their eyes, that’s our true reward. We’re in the people pleasing business. recognition Yet, this noble pursuit often veers into treacherous territory – the search for approval.… Read More »the coaching approval paradox

the power of letting go

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So often, we anticipate that once we achieve, gain, or acquire something, or when we conquer or win someone, our lives will improve. For many successful individuals, this becomes a driving force to surmount obstacles. Yet, what we frequently overlook is that our lives inevitably become full. We are bound by the confines of a 24-hour day, impervious to any hack. Nevertheless, our innate desire for growth persists. reassess whether it serves a purpose It… Read More »the power of letting go

distraction of self worth

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I had a conversation the other day about distraction. I personally went off most social media in the last month. Since I have been traveling for most of my time for the last 10 years, I love to stay in contact and read about my friends’ updates as well as posting my own. Two things changed over the last years. Somehow my news feeds consist mostly of reposts written by people I don’t know, suggested… Read More »distraction of self worth

embracing failure – the key to success

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Today, I want to write about a topic that many of us tend to shy away from: failure. Yep, you heard me right! We’re diving headfirst into the world of setbacks, mishaps, and moments when things don’t quite go as planned. I could write an entire book about it, and yet those were the moments I learned the most. To people striving for success, failure often seems to be an obstacle, a setback to be… Read More »embracing failure – the key to success

why i am leaving social media

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Some people come into your life for a season, some for a reason, and some for a lifetime, but eventually, they all leave. The same goes for everything else that we let into our lives. Once upon a time, there was a life without social media for me. And guess what? I loved it for quite a while. Since I am traveling most of the time, I won’t see most of the people I meet… Read More »why i am leaving social media

SE05 happy#229 – ups and downs

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simplicity of happiness · SE05 happy#229 – ups and downs It’s the end of the year, a time for personal episode again. 2023 hasn’t been an easy journey for me, and I believe it’s crucial to discuss struggles, fears, and losses.  Life isn’t defined by the absence of problems but by how we deal with them. Everything in life has a flip side of the coin. You can’t choose ‘no problems,’ only the price you’re… Read More »SE05 happy#229 – ups and downs

SE05 happy#228 – rob white

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simplicity of happiness · SE05 happy#228 – rob white Over a year ago I recorded this philosophical conversation with Rob White. Rob being an author and inspirational speaker and philosopher. We talked about the meaning of life, how to overcome the ordinary obstacles of being human and grow up to the person you deserve to be. All the best, Floh quotes You bring your world into the world Rob The ultimate goal of life is… Read More »SE05 happy#228 – rob white

SE05 happy#227 – future plans

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simplicity of happiness · SE05 happy#227 – future plans Life is a rollercoaster, and the constant ebb and flow are what make it truly interesting. After taking some time off and prioritizing different aspects, I want you to know that I never forgot about you, and now I’m back. In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be sharing some prerecorded episodes before launching Season 6 of the podcast. I’m still shaping the focus for the new season… Read More »SE05 happy#227 – future plans

A Path to Authentic Relationships

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A Personal Journey of Growth and Transformation Join me on a journey as I share my values, beliefs, and the person I have become over the past decade. I’ll explore the essence of authentic relationships and the power of unconditional love. It’s a story of self-discovery, vulnerability, and the pursuit of genuine connections. Embracing Authenticity: Discovering the Essence of Genuine Connections As a coach, I’ve spent considerable time working with individuals on leadership development. Whether… Read More »A Path to Authentic Relationships

SE05 happy#226 – what sacrifices would you make for freedom

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simplicity of happiness · SE05 happy#226 – what sacrifices would you make for freedom If you had to make a sacrifice to find your freedom, would you do it?Sacrifices pay off, but sometimes not. Making sacrifices is a risk that few have the strength to take and go forward with, and those who do are worthy of admiration since they put all their effort and work into something uncertain. Today’s guests are a couple who… Read More »SE05 happy#226 – what sacrifices would you make for freedom

SE05 happy#225 – the success factor

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simplicity of happiness · SE05 happy#225 – the success factor We all want to reach it, but what is success? Today’s guest The Success Factor author, Ruth Gotian. A woman who has dedicated herself to meeting the most successful minds to study them and learn about their mindset and practices. Her investigation yielded a surprising result—she discovered that all these people had four elements in common that allowed them to achieve success. Ruth will share… Read More »SE05 happy#225 – the success factor

the roller coaster podcast

roller coaster

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Life is a wild ride. As if to prove this saying, which is the shows motto right, I was sitting on a boat in the Mediterranean Sea on a stormy day when we recorded this conversation about life.

my perfect failure

my perfect failure

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In mid 2021 I had this conversation with Paul about failures and how it is up to us, to change the meaning of a failure to turn it into positive learning experience. On this episode of My Perfect Failure (Failures Are Practice) If you feel like you are not quite living the life that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning.  You’re not sure how to take big actions or decision to… Read More »my perfect failure

everything you want

the struggle of having everything you want

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does more mean happier? There used to be a time when I had more stuff than I could possibly use. That didn’t happen accidentally but served two needs of mine (at least I thought so). On the one hand I wished to own things that gave me joy and on the other hand I wanted to look successful to others. I thought: once I proofed to the world (and myself) that I had success I… Read More »the struggle of having everything you want

happy#224 because you can

SE05 happy#224 – because you can

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simplicity of happiness · SE05 happy#224 – because you can So often, people need to have a reason to take action. It can become difficult to chose between investment and return, especially when helping others?  Does there really need to be a return or is it about how we feel ourself doing it in the first place? A while ago, I had the chance to help a friend who found himself in a difficult situation.… Read More »SE05 happy#224 – because you can

happy#223 – introvert

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simplicity of happiness · happy#223 – introvert Introvert or Extrovert. Most of us heart these terms before, but who can recall any business training, strategy or job motivation that did not seem to be for the extroverts. I belief that this is more on the behavioral site than a real character trade and this behavior being caused by different intrinsic motivations. Nevertheless it occurs in each one of us. Jon Bakers, todays guest specializes in… Read More »happy#223 – introvert

happy#222 – retire early

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simplicity of happiness · happy#222 – retire early While working on this podcast episode, I stumbled upon this text: F–– You Money Back in the 1920s, the actor Humphrey Bogart used to keep a $100 bill in his nightstand at all times. That’s the equivalent of over $1,200 today. He referred to it as his ‘f–– you money’, because it meant he’d never be forced to take a part he didn’t want. He once said… Read More »happy#222 – retire early

happy#221 – life design

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simplicity of happiness · happy#221 – life design I met Carlos and Susanne when they interviewed me for their podcast life design and there I had the feeling there is more to discuss in further details. At first glance they seem to be a happy couple that found their role by successfully raising 4 children and having a career. But, there is more to it and it did not go as expected and they had… Read More »happy#221 – life design