
who’s in charge of your life?

It is now about one year that I am not actively working for ESCP Europe anymore. Although that I am already living my life and worklife relatively self-determined for some years now, I can tell you that it is a huge difference when nobody expects anything from you anymore.
Furthermore and quite important to me, did my son and his mother move so far away that I have absolutely no chance on seeing him on a regular basis anymore. In fact I have seen him only ones in the last 30 month.

Despite this being very frustrating, it leaves me being responsible for nobody at the moment.
Since I have reduced my financial obligation to almost zero in the last years… not being dependent on anyone and not being responsible for anyone is quite an unusual situation to me.
Apart from true freedom, this can also be very scary. I can or even have to ask myself for every single action I do: what is purpose behind it and why are you about to do it?
The only one who can put a reason behind it is myself. There is absolutely no one left to blame in on. Every single step is purely because I take an active decision for it.
This has, if you look at it closely, always been the case… (just like in your life) and still did I so often try to find an excuse, why something is somehow just not my choice and others make me do this or that.

Does that idea sound familiar to you? Well, realizing that whatever situation you are in, it were your own previous choices that brought you there is the first place.
Realizing that is the first step to personal freedom.
The scary thing though, is that freedom doesn’t always feels like fun. It sometimes is hard work. Being responsible for your own thoughts and actions will give you no other choice than put you actions where your mouth is.
You are the only one in charge on where life will take you. You are the only one to put in the work that will take you to where you want to be?
But guess what?
You will have to go through some ups and downs. You might ask yourself not only what you’d enjoy most… while making your way towards your goal, but also what you’d be willing to suffer.
Be honest with yourself. Are there things, that you are just not going to do? Maybe you go down a different road instead?
So, where did this lead me, you might ask?

I realized that I love to inspire people. I want to help improve peoples life. I also love to travel, be outside and be physical active. I love to create lasting memories. I want to be on an adventure. I love motivating people to join me on a journey. I love to share my stories.
I am ok with sitting my butt down and record my ideas for a podcast, write it down for a blog post, record a video for a publication.
I am ok, improving my website, cutting the podcast and videos. I am fine with sitting down with people on very specific times to help them overcome their own obstacles.

I absolutely hate to talk people into something. I don’t enjoy building a marketing funnel. I don’t want to create an event where I then have to sell it to people to join.

Let’s take the Caveman Lodge for example. I don’t want to find people whom I need to talk into a vacation in Zanzibar and then into staying at my Lodge. No I want to do it the other way around. Be found be people who are looking for a vacation anyway. Put my offering out and help them to have a remarkable time while they are there.
It turned out that I want to do something quite similar with Happylife.Coach.
I’ll tell you what that is in my next posting.

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