live the life you love!

Hi, I’m Floh. If you’re ready to live the life you’ve always dreamed of, I’m here to help you make that happen.

is this you?

Ambitious, passionate, & driven to make a difference.
Don’t fit in, despite striving to meet expectations.
Yearning for personal growth but lacking a sparring partner.
Dreaming bigger & brighter than your current reality.
Feeling stuck in a life that doesn’t reflect your true potential.
Sensing that something is missing but unable to identify it.

You know: something has to happen, it has to be you and it has to be now!

If this resonates with you, you’re in the right place.

you’re more powerful than you think

No matter how successful you are, do you still feel like something is missing? You’re not alone, and I understand exactly where you’re coming from.

what got you here won’t get you there

Here’s a truth: the qualities that have brought you success so far may be the very things holding you back from reaching the next level. Sometimes, the game needs to change. By shifting your perspective, your strengths can turn into obstacles, and your weaknesses can become your greatest assets.

I help extraordinary people like you reconnect with your deeper mission, enabling you to play a more meaningful game than you ever have before.

Let’s explore how you can start living the life you’ve always imagined.

dream bigger than ever before

I’m a dreamer at heart, and I’ve been dreaming big for most of my life. I see opportunities where others see roadblocks, and challenges keep me on my toes. I’m always ready to take on something new, even before I’ve mastered the last task.

This curiosity and drive are why I see the extraordinary in you. I’m not satisfied with the status quo, and I’ll keep pushing you to reach your next level—whatever that may be.

I don’t claim to know your journey better than you do. Instead, I’ll stay curious long enough to help you uncover your full potential. I’ll challenge you to dream bigger than you ever have before, and together, we’ll take that first small step toward a massive transformation.

the difference that makes the difference

Often, it’s not the obvious things that set us apart or create meaningful change. More often, it’s the subtle shifts that lead to significant improvements.

Just as there’s only a 0.1% difference in genetics between humans and monkeys, creating an extraordinary life starts with tiny distinctions in your mindset.

  • Do you know who you want to be?
  • Are you connected to your true self?
  • Do you understand your mission on this earth?
  • Are you living congruently with your values?

tiny steps lead to big dreams

If a tiny shift can change everything, then it’s also the tiny steps that will get you there. Summiting Kilimanjaro begins with the small step of making the decision and ends with the final, breathless step to reach Uhuru Peak. It’s a series of tiny steps that bring you to your big dream.

Coaching is powerful because it can trigger that tiny shift that eventually turns your world upside down. This isn’t for everyone, but if it’s for you, you’ll know.

Would you like me to guide you on your journey and help you unleash the powers you didn’t even know you had?

my journey: from seeking to finding

I’ve made this shift myself. For a long time, I chased goals I thought were expected of me. I had everything I needed materially, yet I was always craving more. I sought out every adventure I could find, and then I kept moving on.

From living in the U.S. for a year to founding my first company at 21, to working as an international headhunter, consulting for one of the world’s oldest business schools, founding a tech company, trekking solo across the Sahara, traveling for a year in a vintage mobile home, building and running a lodge in Zanzibar, rebuilding a mountain hut in Switzerland, restoring and living on a historic wooden boat in France, to building a safari company at Kilimanjaro—I’ve been places.

But the real shift came when I lost everything external and found truth within. My marriage failed spectacularly, and everything I had built up seemed meaningless—only the experiences remained.

what clients say

on the inside, it feels different

To others, I may seem energetic, a high-achiever, and unstoppable. But on the inside, it’s not always the same story.

  • It can feel lonely and frustrating.
  • Like an imposter.
  • Like not fitting in.
  • Never satisfied, always searching but never finding.
  • Incomplete, always craving more.

Sometimes it’s none of these; sometimes it’s all at once. Most times, it’s a mix of a few.

After I started focusing on my inner truth, I realized these feelings were the price I paid for the upside. I also discovered that my weaknesses could be my strengths—especially in coaching. I always see the opportunity. I have no fixed mindset. My diverse experiences keep me open and curious when I meet with a client. I see opportunities they don’t see themselves, and I stay curious and dreaming.

I am committed 100% as long as I’m in. I expect the same from you—be 100% committed while you’re in, and then move on. I call this the ‘200% Responsibility Policy.’

Once you’ve dreamed bigger than ever before, we’ll work on the steps to get you there… until you are there… and then we’ll focus on the next.

Let’s dream bigger than ever before and take your first step now.

limited free coaching sessions

Here’s what I need you to do:

  • If this is not for you, forward this to somebody who needs it.
  • If it’s for you, fill out the contact form and check the FREE SESSION box.
  • If this isn’t for you, forward this to someone who needs it.
  • If it is, fill out the contact form and check the FREE SESSION box.
  • We’ll book a call.
  • You decide if it’s in English or German.
  • Show up 100% for our call. Hide nothing. Hold nothing back. Take action, even when you’re afraid. Be vulnerable. Lean into your edge. Take risks. Mess up, screw up, FAIL!

I’ll walk you through it, and I look forward to talking with you.

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