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happy#151 – no feedback, no development

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We can’t learn, when we receive no feedback. We will at least never find out if our progress is going in the desired direction.
We will loose contact to the base. Therefor is it so important to act, to actually do something and get our work and actions out there. Then we will receive feedback upon which we can react. Everything is connected and action causes a reaction and if we don’t listen to the feedback we won’t know which reaction we are provoking in the world.

In case you are interested in making the world a better place as I am, you might want to ask for feedback. Especially the feedback that you don’t like. The things that go wrong, the things where you face obstacles and where people don’t like what you are doing.

Then listen to it and take it as a hint what to do better in the future. Always compare it to the one you want to be. Does it bring you closer or further apart. And then act accordingly.

Take care my friend, Floh