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happy#026 – mindpalace

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I recorded this interview a while ago with two amazing young women who run their own podcast called „the mind palace podcast“. Their show is dedicated to minimalism and the joy of less. The English-American team talked about podcasting, friendship, and shaping the future.

JESSICA LYNN WILLIAMS is an artist and I am a lover of written word, both in reading and writing.
She works as a freelance web designer and minimalist mentor in Maui, Hawaii where she spends her days going swimming in the ocean with her dog, Arrow and snorkeling with her husband.
She is inspired by Colin Wright and The Minimalists.

MELISSA CAIN has got a degree in English Literature and Fashion Journalism which is where she cultivated her interest in style, culture, and writing. She spends her days working with children, and in her spare time she loves hiking around the wild English countryside, travelling, watching documentaries and reading. 
Her journey into minimalism started four years ago when she came across The Minimalists website and it transformed her life.

If you do take the time to listen to any of the mind palace podcast shows – don’t be a stranger! Reach out and share your thoughts with me via social media.