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happy#154 – don‘t own your children

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September 5th is a special day to me. It brought people to my life that made me who I am today and I want to dedicate this episode to them. Almost or temporarily losing these people it draw some conclusions that helped me ever since.
Most important to me was the realization that the closer I was to certain people, the more I expected from them. There have been times in my life that I even expected my loved ones to make up for my own mysery. What I couldn‘t find in my own life, I wanted them to add.
When they couldn‘t provide that, I mean… think about it, how should anybody else be able to create something in your life and therefor in your brain that you couldn‘t even create yourself?
You are the only on who can change anything in your life, because your thoughts, your words and your actions are the only things that you are in control of anyway. Furthermore that conclusion made me realize that I have no right to expect anything from anybody else. Neither am I entitled to make anyone be with me nor can‘t I own anyone. We are all free people.
Love people while they are around and let them go when they want to. Enjoy each moment as you will lose them sooner or later. 
Let hate and fear go and make room for love and gratitude. Life will pay back.

I love you my friend, I love you my son!

Take care my friend, Floh