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happy#162 – nothing is lost, ever!

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I lost something, or at least somebody lost something that was mine which could lead to my first question. What does it mean to be mine or what would I need to do to call something mine.
But that shall be the topic of another episode.
All my German Podcast episodes have been deleted by accident and the Podcast provider does not have any backups. This made me think about win and loss in life and what it actually means if something is not there anymore.
I became ver clear that you just need to look at the atomic or the energetic level to see that nothing is ever lost. It is only transferred to a different level. Nothing is ever gone, it is only somewhere else. That also means that now thought or no person is ever lost. They just don’t exist in the known form anymore.
They transferred into something new. That means in the contrary that every ending is aways the start of a new beginning as well. Whenever you lose something you will gain something else. Keep your eyes open what it might be.

Take care my friend, Floh