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happy#167 – one word resolution

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Did you have a new years resolution. Come on, not a tiny one?
So how is that one going?
Maybe not so good?
Here I have an idea. In fact, its not my idea, I borrowed it from Mike Mandel. As so often simplifying will help your unconscious to have a clear direction what to aim for. So the resolution consists of one word only.
Most likely that word is some kind of nominalization, a verb that you turn into a noun. Mine for example is „sailing“.
Normally a nominalisation can become a bit of a problem in communication because every person interpretates it different. In this case that’s no problem. It is your word and you are the only one who decides what you fill it with and your unconsciousness already knows.
You’ll include that one word into your morning routine, your decision taking process, your meditation, your prayer, whatever you do to keep yourself focused.
This word will start to give you a clear direction. You will start to take decisions that will clear up the path to living your goal.

Take care my friend, Floh