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Episodes of the Simplicity Of Happiness Podcast.

happy#069 – John Lee Dumas – no control

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When you „try“ to plan for everything… you might be even more surprised that control is just an illusion.Having talked about control before this episode is just a friendly reminder. Follow me on:

happy#068 – creating a daily routine

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Did you ever make a plan for tomorrow and then you never made it?Maybe you need a daily routine to make it happen without even thinking about it. Give it a try. It takes 21 days and will become a habit. Follow me on:

happy#067 – repair & value stuff

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Is it our right as human being to use, consume and throw away things?Maybe… when you take into account that some people use only organic stuff? Since we are mostly dependent on non organics, we should become more aware of the true value… Repairing broken things might be a step in the right direction. Follow me on:

happy#066 – why why why

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Why can be one of the most limiting words in your vocabulary. If you manage to get rid of it it might help to change your whole attitude towards the positive. Follow me on:

happy#065 – learnings from an ultramarathon

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Ultramarathon is something that most people don’t do in their life. And still it is something that everyone can learn from for their own life. Running and training for an ultra run is quite similar to reaching a far away goal.It is the same character traits that are needed to succeed. Most of all, take failure as a feedback and be persistent.Why can be one of the most limiting words in your vocabulary. If you… Read More »happy#065 – learnings from an ultramarathon

happy#064 – frustration

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Frustration can be one of the most annoying feelings of all. It can steel all your energy and mostly it doesn’t really help to be a better person. Today I show you one very simple way of turning a bad feeling and mood into a good one. Follow me on:

happy#063 – evernote

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Among other tools I use, Evernote is the Centerpiece of my Officeless Office. Almost everything I make, produce, have to remember or write makes it through Evernote at one or another time. Today I give you a short introduction in how I use Evernote in my daily routine. Follow me on:

happy#062 – depth

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Financially there is one advice for happiness.Have no depth! LINKS: money or your life: Follow me on:

happy#059 – say no!

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It might happen, that, while trying to be and stay a nice person you say yes, when you are asked for a favor.Doing that it can be quite hard to stay focused on what you really want. It might even be difficult to even serve those you promised to because you keep getting distracted by other who you also promise a yes. Sometimes it might be helpful to say no in order to keep your… Read More »happy#059 – say no!

happy#060 – 100 days

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100 days in Zanzibar and 100 days of daily meditation.It helped me through some frustrated days. I am still struggling sometimes but overall it seems so much easier… Follow me on:

happy#061 – keep your promise

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I believe that you will not be truly happy people if you are not a trusted and reliable person, to yourself and others. If you keep letting other people down on your promises. If you don’t keep the promises you make to yourself you won’t honor yourself, you won’t like yourself. The bet think about being honorable is that is 100% up to you wether you are or you are not. Follow me on:

happy#058 – a culture of learning

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What do you think? How hard is it to personally grow without learning.I see how different, kids, teenager and later even grown ups behave when they never learnt how to learn. So do yourself and you kids the favor and create a culture of learning. Stay young, stay curious, stay foolish! Follow me on:

happy#056 – powercut

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I have the chance o experience quiet often how dependent we ar on regular power supply. Last weekend we had no power for three days which makes us have some troubles even here. That is when I realized that it is not having or not having something that give you freedom but options that do. To learn to go without (fill in yourself 😉 increases your options. Increased options can increase your freedom. Increased freedom… Read More »happy#056 – powercut

happy#057 – upsite down

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When I was a kid I dreamt about sailing without having it tried ever.2012 I decided that I will start to sail around the world before I turn 40.Now I am about to buy my first boat which will be a traditional arab dhow.That brings some problems with it, but hear yourself: Follow me on:

happy#055 – mikumi

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Driving on a normal road in Mikumi, I saw Zebra, Buffalo and Elephants next to road and started to wonder. What can we do to preserve the last beauties of the earth. Is it even up to us what happens on the other end of the world?You decide with your consumption and maybe its about time to fund some rescue the world projects. Follow me on:

happy#054 – when you lose a wheel

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The other week when we visited Ruaha Nationapark everything went wrong one day. Our car was about to fall apart. Wouldn’t start, battery down, break broken… then we fixed it and lost a wheel in the middle of the park.Also had to fix it and drove home knowing that we could lose again at any time…In the end we had a remarkable trip to be remembered for the rest of our lifes. It always depends… Read More »happy#054 – when you lose a wheel

happy#053 – the lion in us

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On our way back from an adventurous game drive in Ruaha national park, we first met a whole family of African elephants. Later, outside the park shortly before the village that we are camping in, a lion crossed our street. About 100m meter in front he appeared from the woods on the right, stepped on the road, stopped, looked at us and disappeared in the woods on the left.This picture made think a lot about… Read More »happy#053 – the lion in us

happy#052 – democracy

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Nowadays I often hear say that we don’t really live in a democracy because there is no real choice. I very clearly want to disagree. Just the other day we had to American guests at the lodge and they were pointing out thing that are not going right in America. With a lot of their concern if not most they were right.But I absolutely did not agree with the consequence they drew from their frustration.They believe… Read More »happy#052 – democracy

happy#051 – craftmanship

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Technology can make your life easier but often it doesn’t make it happier. Happy comes from doing the right thing. So learn to do something right.Get a hobby or a job or a mission were you produce something with your own hand and it will be one step towards your happy life. Follow me on:

happy#050 – technology

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Do you think it is a blessing or a curse that our life is dominated by electronics.How do you use it, or does it use you?Think about the episode of yesterday. Today you can chose so much. You can also choose to which degree you will use technology.I think what helps most is when you arrange your life without technological gadget and make yourself clear that you don’t need them, maybe once a week or… Read More »happy#050 – technology