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simplicity – an approach of a maximalist

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I am a maximalist, that’s why I became a minimalist.What? How does that make sense?I think it does, although it took me more than 30 years to realize. As long as I can remember I could not get enough. It did not matter whether it was playing a game, a vacation I was on, a mountain I was hiking, stuff that I owned.I just couldn’t get enough. I wanted more and got frustrated easily when… Read More »simplicity – an approach of a maximalist

who’s in charge of your life?

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It is now about one year that I am not actively working for ESCP Europe anymore. Although that I am already living my life and worklife relatively self-determined for some years now, I can tell you that it is a huge difference when nobody expects anything from you anymore.Furthermore and quite important to me, did my son and his mother move so far away that I have absolutely no chance on seeing him on a… Read More »who’s in charge of your life?

one family?

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Imagine somebody could tell you where you´re actually from. A journey around the world and it all sums up to be you. This is a commercial, but well, what would happen, if you´d find out all, the people you hate most are actually your ancestors? End the end, we are one family. Amazing:


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without words:  

more than honey

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Honey and bees are such a nice metaphor. Bees dedicate their whole life to the best for the community. Bees in the summer collect nectar for honey, so their successors in the wintertime won’t starve. Only if every part of the bee community fulfills its own mission the hive can survive and thrive. As it is such a fragile system the bees live in and it is similar in the world where they find their… Read More »more than honey