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happy#084 – precision

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Talk as precise as you can. Everything in your body and mind is interconnected. If you watch your speech, you’ll train your mind and your thoughts and your behavior will follow to match your thoughts as precise as possible. Follow me on:

happy#082 – email

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Email has become one most time saving and one of the most time consuming factors in our daily business and even private life.Here are some tips how to reduce the stress with the emails. Follow me on:

happy#081 – values

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Do you know your hierarchy of values? Which values drive you towards something and which values drive you away from something. Which are important for a happy life and your decision finding process. Today I tell you how to find out. Follow me on:

happy#080 – change

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Change is nothing that sometimes happens and sometimes does not. Change is what makes life be alive. Without change things would exist but would not be alive.The constant change is what makes a living being.Stop fighting the change in wishing the good old days to stay as they were. You decide if you want to be part of the change for the better or the worse.Be the change you want to be in the world!… Read More »happy#080 – change

happy#079 – essentials

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What matters most in your life Do you now, or do you just have a slight feeling? Doing the following list could help you set the direction for your future happy life. Follow me on:

happy#078 – on your own

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Today I will tell you the opposite of what I told you yesterday. Do something on your own! Way too long I have spend procrastinating in my own life and I see so many people who spent their days killing time and never being satisfied with what they do.So yes: Sometimes chill, sometimes play with friends and sometimes consciously do something on your own. Spend some quality time with yourself! Follow me on:

happy#076 – wellness weekend

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The episode: million is just a number, although it might be true, can leave you with a feeling of comparison to other. In the end you might still feel worthless or poor or just treated unfair by life.I give some ideas how you could also view the very same situation. Follow me on:

happy#077 – playmate

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The time of the biggest growth in our life was our childhood. Children develop best and the fastest when they have a buddy to play with, at least in the vast majority. Playing was learning from others and it was fun. Go out and play! Follow me on:

happy#074 – 21 days

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To create a new routine, it will take you approximately 21 days of daily training. That is the idea behind my new online coaching program ‚make life great again’ that will be launched this summer. 21 days of daily input to change your life to one that you truly deserve. Follow me on:

happy#075 – chill out

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Chilling is meditation light. When you truly do nothing and just remain in the present, fully alert with all the different senses you are in the present. You are here and now and might become a more relaxed version of yourself. Follow me on:

happy#072 – basic desire: honor

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Often I refer to the ReissProfile, an international Motivation Analysis tool. On of the 16 desires is called honor and today I talk why my honor motivation gives me pain and what I can do about it as well as how you can behave with the honor motivation that you might have. Follow me on:

happy#073 – keeping routines

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Planning for a new routine might be an easy thing. Well, at least for some. Starting a new routine might also work, but keeping it up until it actually is a solid and reliable routine takes a while. Often people (and me) fail on the way there.Today I talk about what I do myself to force my unconscious mind (2. Attention) to take my approach serious. Follow me on:

happy#071 – letting go

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So often we get involved with things we don’t like or we stay attached with things we don’t like anymore. On others it seems easy to let go. What is the difference?Find out and let go! Follow me on:

happy#070 – no hate without love

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I thought about hate and that I hate hate… Then I realized that there is no hate without love and hate could make you rediscover your love again… Follow me on:

happy#069 – John Lee Dumas – no control

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When you „try“ to plan for everything… you might be even more surprised that control is just an illusion.Having talked about control before this episode is just a friendly reminder. Follow me on:

happy#068 – creating a daily routine

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Did you ever make a plan for tomorrow and then you never made it?Maybe you need a daily routine to make it happen without even thinking about it. Give it a try. It takes 21 days and will become a habit. Follow me on:

happy#067 – repair & value stuff

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Is it our right as human being to use, consume and throw away things?Maybe… when you take into account that some people use only organic stuff? Since we are mostly dependent on non organics, we should become more aware of the true value… Repairing broken things might be a step in the right direction. Follow me on:

happy#066 – why why why

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Why can be one of the most limiting words in your vocabulary. If you manage to get rid of it it might help to change your whole attitude towards the positive. Follow me on:

happy#065 – learnings from an ultramarathon

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Ultramarathon is something that most people don’t do in their life. And still it is something that everyone can learn from for their own life. Running and training for an ultra run is quite similar to reaching a far away goal.It is the same character traits that are needed to succeed. Most of all, take failure as a feedback and be persistent.Why can be one of the most limiting words in your vocabulary. If you… Read More »happy#065 – learnings from an ultramarathon

happy#064 – frustration

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Frustration can be one of the most annoying feelings of all. It can steel all your energy and mostly it doesn’t really help to be a better person. Today I show you one very simple way of turning a bad feeling and mood into a good one. Follow me on: