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happy#152 – straight to the top, or not?

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simplicity of happiness · happy#152 – straight to the top, or not? Chasing dreams and achieving goals is about knowing the straight way right? Without distraction and with a clear focus directly towards your personal summit?Well, knowing where you want to go is definitely a plus, but you might face obstacles or barriers that are impossible to overcome.There is no way to fight the wind when you’re on a sailing boat. It might be much… Read More »happy#152 – straight to the top, or not?

happy#151 – no feedback, no development

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simplicity of happiness · happy#151 – no feedback, no development We can’t learn, when we receive no feedback. We will at least never find out if our progress is going in the desired direction.We will loose contact to the base. Therefor is it so important to act, to actually do something and get our work and actions out there. Then we will receive feedback upon which we can react. Everything is connected and action causes… Read More »happy#151 – no feedback, no development

happy#150 – colin wright

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simplicity of happiness · happy#150 – colin wright My journey to declutter started in 2012. I reached a point where I didn’t thrive for more. At least not for more possessions. I wanted to have more joy, more laughter and more contentment. I was looking for more meaning in my life. Through different blogs and writers I ended up with a person who had just taken a phenomenal decision and was traveling the world while… Read More »happy#150 – colin wright

happy#149 – letting go

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simplicity of happiness · happy#149 – letting go Sometimes you need to let go in order to achieve something new. As odd as it seems, first look for something to give up… So often it is mainly the distraction, the lack of focus that gets in our way of achieving something.The day has 24 hours, that‘s it. The attention span lasts only so and so long. There are new studies that the average attention span keeps… Read More »happy#149 – letting go

happy#148 – how to grow confidence

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simplicity of happiness · happy#148 – how to grow confidence I am faced every once in a while with the question wether I am not afraid to do some of the stuff that I am doing. And well… yes I am. Life is not about being afraid or not. It is much more about finding a way to do it nevertheless. Afterall, let’s face it. I don’t do anything special at all. It has all… Read More »happy#148 – how to grow confidence

happy#147 – live the life you love, world tour

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simplicity of happiness · happy#147 – live the life you love, world tour Whatever happens to you is often out of your control. Your reaction to that in contrary is your own choice. I decided to turn the amount of freedom that I momentarily have into the chance to live a childhood dream.Since I don’t want to do that alone I am inviting you to join me on the adventure around the world. Take care… Read More »happy#147 – live the life you love, world tour

happy#146 – chasing dreams

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simplicity of happiness · happy#146 – chasing dreams I am going for my dreams for quite a while now and new dreams keep showing up in my life, making the old ones obsolete. It seems as if I can´t get tired of something new and that is just the way that I am motivated.How are you? What motivates you most and are you sure, that these are your own desires or are you trying to please… Read More »happy#146 – chasing dreams

happy#145 – sailing uma

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simplicity of happiness · happy#145 – sailing uma I am so thrilled to be able to present you an inspiring young couple: Kika and Dan. They decided to not buy a couch and settle down after graduation, but instead invest all they had into an old sailing boat that still had to be renovated before they could even launch it into the water.What amazes me most about the two is not, that they are living… Read More »happy#145 – sailing uma

happy#144 – dealing with fear

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simplicity of happiness · happy#144 – dealing with fear Fear seems to be one of the most limiting factors in life. As true love can be the most motivating one and is able to move mountains or tear them down fear can build them up.The strange things about fear though is, that fear happens only in your head and mostly deals with the future. Can you even remember the last time that you were frightened… Read More »happy#144 – dealing with fear

happy#143 – sometimes sh*t happens

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simplicity of happiness · happy#143 – sometimes sh*t happens Last time I promised you a feedback about my time in Zanzibar and well… here we go. This has been a disturbing time for in May and I had my struggles to focus on the positive side of things.Yet, what does it do any good to not not see things positive. It is as it is and the only thing truly matters, is the question of… Read More »happy#143 – sometimes sh*t happens

happy#142 – who you are, when you lose control

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simplicity of happiness · happy#142 – who you are, when you lose control It is easy to be the person you want to be when you are in control. When everything is going exactly the way it way planned, you might emotionally not be disturbed.What happens when everything goes wrong. When things are not going as planned, when you are frightened, when you are terrified. How much of your higher self can you maintain when… Read More »happy#142 – who you are, when you lose control

happy#141 – discrimination

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simplicity of happiness · happy#141 – discrimination In Zanzibar I often face an enourmous discrimination. This discrimination is not as I expected it to be. I thought that it might be against colored people but it wasn‘t at least not from white against black people.The main discrimination that I saw and experience on a daily matter is from man against women. Or against against different sexual orientation, although nobody dares to talk about that openly. This… Read More »happy#141 – discrimination

happy#140 – why oh why

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simplicity of happiness · happy#140 – why oh why Have you ever struggled with your mission? The why behind your Job, your project or your duty? Well, I see very often that people are getting confused with their original goals and the results that they are actually measuring. Take care my friend, Floh Follow me on:

happy#139 – change it with a breath

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simplicity of happiness · happy#139 – change it with a breath Although unaware to most of us, we were given a shortcut to our unconscious mind. To our autonomic nervous system, which runs everything important to our life without our conscious mind even recognizing it.Our breath and our lungs are the only organ that we can consciously control. Since our breath directly influences our physiology, our state and our performance, you can do as well.… Read More »happy#139 – change it with a breath

happy#138 – quality

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simplicity of happiness · happy#138 – quality Quality vs. quantity. What do you prefer? More of what you don’t like anyway or just enough of exactly the right thing? You might not be able to influence the quantity of your life as each day has just 24 hours for everyone, but you can massively influence the quality of your life.Quality is made in your head and it is only up to you what is going… Read More »happy#138 – quality

happy#137 – what comes around goes around

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simplicity of happiness · happy#137 – what comes around goes around Whatever you will put out in the world will come back sooner or later. And I am sure that the world won’t distinguish between good or evil, revenge or justice. You may describe this phenomena with the balance of energies or just the RAS, but I am going to explain that in the podcast. Take care my friend, Floh Follow me on:

happy#136 – patreon

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simplicity of happiness · happy#136 – patreon While figuring out how to prioritize tasks I had the idea that it might not be about now. Much more important might it be that one day we have no time to change but can only look back and then it will be about the person we have been. It is now that you take the steps towards that person you once have been. My goal is to… Read More »happy#136 – patreon

happy#135 – educate kidz

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simplicity of happiness · happy#135 – educate kidz During my last trip to Zanzibar it became so obvious, that all the people surrounding me where not heading towards a positiv future for themselves and their families. The uneducation seemed to have become an even bigger problem and leaving me no option to work with local people from the village. I thought that I could either complain or do something about it.I took the second option,… Read More »happy#135 – educate kidz

happy#134 – the urge to buy a book

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simplicity of happiness · happy#134 – the urge to buy a book I wanted to buy a book. Or two? Well…Kindle plus paperback. Just to show off. What a nice picture of the world. What matters more? The inside or the outside? Take care my friend, Floh Follow me on:

happy#133 – no reality

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simplicity of happiness · happy#133 – no reality Guess what? There is no such thing as reality out there. And if there is nobody has ever seen it. Reality is always a question of perspective and focus. So if you ever doubt or dislike what you see, feel or experience out there it might be due to your perspective and focus.If you change that, you might even be one big step closer to a happy… Read More »happy#133 – no reality