
what scares you?

I am scared to be scared.I hate this feeling of uncertainty and fear.It is not my comfort zone and things don‘t happen with ease. When I am in my comfort zone and things go well for me I feel good and happy and maybe proud of what I am doing. All of that can disappear in an instant when I am scared of something.

For a reason I did not understand for a long time I am always craving the next adventure. Putting me in scary situations over and over again:


happy#201 – symptom or cause?

simplicity of happiness · happy#201 – symptom or cause?

Don’t we often mistake the symptoms for the cause?
Somehow this seems to be a a very humanly behavior because we don’t only do it for ourselves.
I have recently been on a road trip through Germany and I was shocked to see how many forests all over the country where dying.

A result of the heat I thought and a research showed that they actually die because of some bugs. 
But the bugs have been there as long as the trees. So this does not have only one cause. Multiple factors of stress add up until they reach a level where the trees can’t cope with it anymore. 
Isn’t that the same in your life? 
Where do you confuse symptom and cause and what can you do to work on the cause so the symptoms disappear?

All the best, Floh


happy#200 – tiny steps add up

simplicity of happiness · happy#200 – tiny steps add up

In preparation for this episode I wanted to look for something special at first. 
Then I realized, that it doesn‘t matter if it was episode 200, 300, 1000 or any random number in between. It is always the most important episode that I am recording at the moment. Life is a progress and always now.
Therefor it also doesn‘t make sense to feel grief about the past or anxiety about the future.

I found out how difficult it is to acknowledge what you have achieved in the past, especially when you are a high achiever.

What I am asking you to do is step back and see your full life in front of you. Acknowledge what you have done, see who you want to have been and draw the right conclusions from the two to act now.

What is the tiniest step towards your biggest dream that you can do today?

All the best, Floh


happy#199 – the chained elephant

simplicity of happiness · happy#199 – the chained elephant

During a coaching I was reminded of a metaphor I once heard and am going to tell you in this episode.
What does this metaphor mean for your life?
What can you do about it?

All the best, Floh


happy#198 – things take time

simplicity of happiness · happy#198 – things take time

I kept myself busy while being locked down and build myself a little farm in the mountains. As so often I get inspired when doing something else. I had a lot of hatching eggs lately and they have been teaching me patience. Some of them hatched way earlier than expected and other took for ever and although there is basically a living bird inside the egg there is nothing you can do to release it. If you do it will most likely die.
Things take time and sometimes all you can do is wait for it, may it be an idea, a progress or a living being.
And then be there when it is time.

All the best, Floh


happy#197 – bang for the buck

simplicity of happiness · happy#happy#197 – bang for the buck

With a lot of quiet time there is space to think. About life and what it means to us, to me.
What will happen when we don‘t put the money on the table and expect the most for it. Most people on earth being locked away gives plenty of room for other things. Such as nature, or reflexion.
So I ask myself, what if we take this time to not ask for the biggest bang for the buck, but ask ourself, what we can put on the table. What can we add to the equation to bring back the world into balance.
What is it that you want to do?

All the best, Floh


happy#196 – crisis strategy

simplicity of happiness · happy#196 – crisis strategy

I struggle at the moment.
I trained myself over the last year to always look out for the positive. Every crisis has a chance to grow and still it feels awful to be in the middle of one. It is easy to loose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.
One thing I learned to cope better with the frustrations is to be absolutely open and vulnerable. Communicate the struggles. By finding words there is often a process of also clarifying the situation. You lift it from your unconscious mind to you the conscious and you can tackle and handle what is really bothering/worrying you.
Let us stay positive and do the best out of now. 
In the end… what other choice do we have….

Stay safe my friend!

All the best, Floh


travel thoughts

I love the scenery with deep blue water an empty beach, the sun shining and the sky marvelous. Just creating these images in my mind puts me in a good mood. I feel light-hearted and free.

As if the open sky and distant horizon tells me to leave the known behind, search the adventure and go wherever I wish.

Often I dreamed about the adventurous times you can read about in books where people did just that… and discovered a new world.

Now, in modern times three things seem to be different: 

  • The world is not endless anymore, all corners have been explored. 
  • The digital age will have us connected around the globe and we can’t escape the status quo.
  • In our organized world we have obligations that we can’t get rid of: school, social security, tax, your job… to name a few.

Having thought about that while trying to fulfill the mentioned obligations I realized that all the limitations are only in our heads. Although it became common to behave inside a certain social norm, it still remains our own choice whether we want to obey the rules that we put on us.

There have always been plenty of reasons not to leave and stay where you are.

The boundaries are foremost inside of us, as are the new worlds to discover. Wherever we go. That place is not new or discovered as if it was hidden before.

No, more than everything else it is new to us. New to our knowledge, new to our belief system, new to world(view). We can always go out and expand that. Discover the world that is new to you.

The world, by the way is not digital. Although it is possible to see videos, pictures and hear stories from all over the world it is something completely different to go there and experience it. Life is never black or white, it is always some kind of grey and you only get a feeling of that when you are truly there. Going out and seeing the world, most of all natures beauty has never been as important and healing as it is today.

Last but not least all the regulations and the duty that we grow up with are manmade. These are no irrevocable laws of nature. No, all of these only apply as long as we want them to apply. You can leave all of them behind, you just have to live with the consequences, most of all a loss of security. But that’s how it goes, everything comes with a price. The price of adventurous traveling has always been the immense insecurity.

About 7 year ago the desire to break free started to grow and almost to date 5 years ago I left all comfort behind and started my nomad journey. There have been breaks in between, but once I new about the feeling of freedom I couldn’t go back without losing myself.

Next will be the adventure of traveling the world with my tiny wooden boat – fossil free and embracing the simplicity of happiness.

Discover your dreams – think a thought – put it into action and creative an experience and emotions  that will trigger further dreams.

Create that feedback loop that helps you to thrive.


no more

simplify, simplify, simplify

Let go of everything that holds you back from anything you want to achieve. Just be clear on this one: To simplify and to go minimal is the opposite of a loss. You are not missing out on anything.


desert impressions

the beauty of the desert

Again, I was surprised.

This was not the first time for me to visit Sahara in Morocco and visiting M‘Hamid lost a bit of the excitement of the first few times. Once I see the first dunes in the distance, it feels more like coming home to friends.

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