
happy#216 – you, me and happiness

simplicity of happiness · happy#216 – you me and happiness

You, me and happiness is the project of this weeks guest Helen Müller with whom I have a wonderful conversation about life, change and finding happiness.

What it means to leave home and travel the world in order to find oneself.

Helen’s total focus is helping Top Entrepreneurs and Leaders fulfil their Greatest Potential.  The You, Me and Happiness Program focuses heavily on Heightened Awareness and her unique ability to communicate remotely with human DNA is giving her clients high performance output and an accelerated growth incomparable.

Helen is also author of You, Me & Happiness and Four Keys to Happiness, has been featured in Yahoo Lifestyle, Medium, Rich Woman Magazine and various podcasts for her breakthrough technique to remove mental blocks in 15 minutes. Her journey into Entrepreneurship started by selling biscuits on their family farm in South Africa and took off after being introduced to LURN Inc. and coach, Willie Laney. She enjoys a lifestyle of wildly intuitive traveling and is currently working on research whilst remaining passionately involved in coaching Entrepreneurs and spreading Happiness all around.

Find out more about Helen and her program at:

Until then, take care my friend.

Best, Floh

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