
happy#205 – someone to save me

simplicity of happiness · happy#205 – someone to save me

I am a huge fan of a coach of mine. Rich Litvin is a phenomenal coach and often giving me inspiration through his writing. I could especially relate with one of his latest newsletters: looking for batman.

I am going to share large parts of his newsletter with you hoping that you can relate with it as well.

You can find out more about Rich at and you can find the entire posting here: 
Until then, take care my friend.

Take care my friend.

Best, Floh

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happy#204 – living now

simplicity of happiness · happy#204 – living now

Worry fear and being scared is often routed in the past or the future. Most often the worst a moment right now can be, is unpleasant.

Worry and grief often comes from the past, from something that already happened.Fear and anxiety on the other hand comes from thoughts about the future. As the future is never present it is only the thoughts that create the anxiety. The thoughts are created by your mind. Therefor you can change the thoughts and the fear that comes with it.

Being in the present moment and embracing what is right now is the best way to get rid of the bad feelings. Being truly present and living now is how to overcome fear and grief.

Take care my friend.

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feeding the wild Hyena in Harar, Ethiopia (and most of all shitting my pants)

I like to see myself as a fearless adventurous guy. One, who leaves the known behind in search for the life I love.
I dream about all these different places I will visit and things I will do, but…

…sometimes I become fearful when I have a closer look at my plans. I back up because I fear it might go wrong once I am starting.

…and sometimes I become fearful once I get there. I am overwhelmed by the new situation and don’t know how to handle it. I back up to a known surrounding where I don’t feel as helpless.

happens to me all the time

Somehow this happens to me in all different situations. May the fear be about putting together a new adventure seminar, visiting a new interesting place, changing the place where I mainly live or sometimes just about publishing a new article, podcast or video.

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