
thankful for the moment

I just spent my last week in Sahara with the members of „sahara experience III“. My intention was and is to show others how different life can be. Even I forget, that everything I do in my life, I do by free choice. In almost every case I have the choice to do something different or to not do it at all. I just have to live with the consequences.

I focus on all the little things me and others keep complaining about. Situations that we would so much like to be different. I try to remind myself that it is still my own choice to react the way I want to.
What I keep forgetting though, is how much we managed to keep our world in its boundaries in the western world. We can barely imagine a power cut, not to talk about anything severe. In my everyday life, the worst thinghappening to me is that I lose my internet connection. I rarely think about other people on this planet, who don’t live in such a technological world and how they have to deal with the powers of nature.
After we arrived in M’Hamid, a week ago, the sun was still shining and then the weather turned slowly into a heavy sandstorm that day. I still thought that this was a one day sandstorm that will disappear again after some hours and well, fortunately it did.
Unfortunately it came back every day with one big difference. From the following morning on we were in the desert and headed directly into the direction the wind (and all the sand) came from. I had a feeling that I normally don’t have. I was helpless. I hated the sand in my eyes, I hated the sand in my nose, I hated the sand in my lungs. All I wanted to do was hide from it, but I couldn’t. I had to move against it. Resting didn’t really help either. Preparing food was like playing in the sand. In the night the sandstorm slowed down, to come back every now and then leaving loads of sand in my sleeping bag. Even when I woke up, I was chewing on sand. Nothing helped but to become stoic. Just keep on moving and hope for the storm to settle down. On the evening of the third day it settled down. The sky cleared up and we had the first night with stars shining. In the end, we had a remarkable experience and could enjoy the clear nights with music around the fire even more. We knew that it wasn’t for granted.
I suppose this is the way the world goes round. It’s not always and everywhere sunshine. Sometimes problems occur and you have to go through hard times. It doesn’t help to hide from your problems. That won’t make them better. The only way to deal with them is to face them and work your way through. Once they lie behind you, it is even nicer to enjoy the smooth times. You deserve it because you made it through and that feels good.
If you manage to think about that, you will live a happier life.
I hope, that, when everything runs smooth for me, I will always remember not to take that for granted and that I’ll always be thankful for the moment.
Now I am enjoying Taghazout in Morocco for one week. No sandstorm and nowhere to walk. Just time to relax, organize, plan ahead and write.
I am thankful to be here.


happy#055 – mikumi

Driving on a normal road in Mikumi, I saw Zebra, Buffalo and Elephants next to road and started to wonder. What can we do to preserve the last beauties of the earth. Is it even up to us what happens on the other end of the world?
You decide with your consumption and maybe its about time to fund some rescue the world projects.


happy#054 – when you lose a wheel

The other week when we visited Ruaha Nationapark everything went wrong one day. Our car was about to fall apart. Wouldn’t start, battery down, break broken… then we fixed it and lost a wheel in the middle of the park.
Also had to fix it and drove home knowing that we could lose again at any time…
In the end we had a remarkable trip to be remembered for the rest of our lifes.

It always depends on you how you will view things in life.


happy#053 – the lion in us

On our way back from an adventurous game drive in Ruaha national park, we first met a whole family of African elephants. Later, outside the park shortly before the village that we are camping in, a lion crossed our street. About 100m meter in front he appeared from the woods on the right, stepped on the road, stopped, looked at us and disappeared in the woods on the left.
This picture made think a lot about danger, nature and balance in life.
This is also a very good picture of what we are doing to our own life and our own body. 
What is it that we can do to be better in balance with life and nature?


happy#052 – democracy

Nowadays I often hear say that we don’t really live in a democracy because there is no real choice. I very clearly want to disagree. 
Just the other day we had to American guests at the lodge and they were pointing out thing that are not going right in America. With a lot of their concern if not most they were right.
But I absolutely did not agree with the consequence they drew from their frustration.
They believe that the USA are not a democracy and that your vote doesn’t count because there are multinationals and media who influence you in their own interest.
I can understand that tendency but in the end, it is always up to yourself. You decide what you believe. You decide what you buy and you decide who you vote for.


happy#051 – craftmanship

Technology can make your life easier but often it doesn’t make it happier. Happy comes from doing the right thing. So learn to do something right.
Get a hobby or a job or a mission were you produce something with your own hand and it will be one step towards your happy life.


happy#050 – technology

Do you think it is a blessing or a curse that our life is dominated by electronics.
How do you use it, or does it use you?
Think about the episode of yesterday. Today you can chose so much. You can also choose to which degree you will use technology.
I think what helps most is when you arrange your life without technological gadget and make yourself clear that you don’t need them, maybe once a week or once a month. Or one week per month or every second weekend. It is your decision. But make sure that you maintain a mindset that lets you be independent from your phone, your computer, facebook, google and the internet.
Once you created and maintain that mindset you will always be able to decide yourself to which degree you are dependent.


happy#048 – control

Have you ever looked for the save solution?
Often safe means to be and to stay in control ut there is only one thing certain about control. Control is never safe. It’s never certain.
Control is just an illusion.

Giving up control can give you freedom!


happy#049 – master or slave

150 years ago it was on you to decide to decide on which side of history you were standing. You were born a slave or a master and there was almost no way to change that. Fortunately that changed and most people in modern society are able to chose were and how they work.
Today often I hear people that they are treated or feel like slaves…

They think, they don’t have a choice in jobs, in private or life altogether.

WRONG! Wake up and use your freedom.


happy#047 – start at the end

Often we learn to be realistic. We analyze status quo and try to figure out what we can do with what we already have. Sometimes and I think most of the times companies and entrepreneurs act the same. The invent a product or have an idea, produce and then find somebody to sell it, instead of thinking about the consumers needs first. I learned in marketing to start with the needs of the customer instead of the product that I want to sell. The results will be so much better.
Actually the same applies to reaching your greatest goals. Think big and start at the outcome. Imagine it as realistic as you can and then start thinking backwards
To make a plan how to reach your biggest dreams.

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