
happy#174 – mentor

simplicity of happiness · happy#174 – mentor

Do you think that you can grow and thrive all on your own? Or does it help to look up to someone and may even have the chance to call that person and receive help?

I believe that having a mentor is one of the major aspects to thrive and develop your personality.

I experienced in my life over and over that being in contact with a person that look up to, helps me to clear my own path. 
just a couple of weeks ago I saw in a company that I was working for how important it is that young and aspiring team member have a mentor. That might be one of the key aspects for good company spirit and the growth of the company as a whole and the individual in special.

So besides looking for a mentor who achieved what you are longing for, who are you mentoring. With whom around you do you want share your experience and help them to become the best version of themselves?

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#173 – mean it

simplicity of happiness · happy#173 – mean it

How would it be, if you could take communication literally…? Wouldn‘t that make a lot of things easier?
I had to things about communication and the reason and use of using words that represent exactly what you mean in order to prepare a company workshop and realized this would make a good topic for a podcast episode.
Short version:
Cut all the BS and say what you mean and mean what you say!

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#172 – time is changing

simplicity of happiness · happy#172 – time is changing

Is my hair getting grey because time is passing or is time passing because my hair is turning grey.

What is time anyway? How would you measure time if nothing was moving. Sun not going up and down, your heart not beating, water not flowing, the clock not ticking or changing digits.
There wouldn’t be any chance that you can measure how time passed since you thought about the last time. Now picture that whole scenery slightly bigger.
Something like: Nothing moves! Ever! Like in space where there is nothing. A place even without light.
How do you measure time there.

This idea shows that the concept of time only works if things are moving and may it be energy. It was there, now it’s here and soon it will be somewhere else. And something is always moving. If you take a picture and capture that moment nothing is moving… well and no time is passing because you captured a moment.
But, isnt’t life always now and isn’t now always the moment? Does that mean now is timeless?

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#171 – embrace luxury

simplicity of happiness · happy#171 – embrace luxury

I love luxury.
That’s why I chose to live without it most of the time. Sounds strange, but makes sense when you think about it. What is luxury after all. Per definition it is something that you don’t have day in and day out.
Something unsusual, something that feels special when you have it.
The thing about us humans is, that we can get used to almost everything. As our frontal cortex (the part of our brain that is responsible for consciousness) is only capable of doin so many things it outsources.
Over 99,99% of al the information that our bodies deal with is handled on an automated basis. 
Therefor we can teach our body almost anything to deal with on an automated basis. We get used to it.
That is the point about luxury. It only feels luxurious/special as long as we don’t have it. As soon as we do, we get used to it and take it for granted. On our search for luxury we develop the next craving which is even harder to achieve than the last. Life becomes more difficult and we have more to lose than before.
It becomes harder to enjoy what we have (it became mandatory) and so much easier to worry (more to lose).
By giving up luxury and bringing yourself more often in situation where you need to depend on the basics can make you a more appreciative person and enjoy life more.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#170 – health

simplicity of happiness · happy#170 – health

Several reasons let to this podcast episode about the most basic and precious thing in our life: health.

-a friend who thought he had a stroke
– an accident of a 4 year old
– a coachee of my age with a complicated cancer treatment
– an avalanche and an organ transplant.

Multiple reasons to think about life and how easy it might be lost. All other aspects and goals in life become secondary, compared to health.
You can’t achieve anything once you are gone and one day you will.

How will you use your time?

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#169 – simplifying the simplicity of happiness

simplicity of happiness · happy#169 – simplifying the simplicity of happiness

As I had new ideas in the past, I kept adding them to my portfolio.
While I had a rule with my material possessions: For each item that I added to my life, I needed to let go of two, I already owned.
At the same time I kept adding ideas to my professional life.
When I started to reconciliate websites and podcasts by the end of last year, I realized that I still had created way too many double structures over the last years.
More than that, had I reached a point where they were not motivating anymore but held me back. They started to cause confusion because I had no clear structure anymore. When I sad down to write an article I couldn’t focus as easy as I wished I could. That’s the thing about clutter, be it material or mental: It starts holding you back.
The moment something is not adding value to your life it might be time to let go.

So I did.

I asked myself what it is that I am doing, what is the main message, that I want to spread, what do all my projects have in common…
Quickly it became very clear with that changed approach, that everything I do can be summed up by the concept of the simplicity of happiness. (Maybe you could have guessed that, right?)
So I ditched everything else and combined it under the very same logo/brand/website:

Welcome to the!

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#168 – boot, stuff you don‘t need

simplicity of happiness · happy#168 – boot, stuff you don‘t need

I have been on the road again and among others I visited the Düsseldorf boatshow called boot.
I had no specific idea about the boatshow before I went there, which left me completely open minded.
Nevertheless I was surprised on how much plastic crap is available there. Not much about repair or DIY. Not really much about sailing either. Only very few smaller sailing boats at all and a lot of huge plastic hull with not so nice interior.
All of this left me thinking about stuff you need. Minimalism and simplicity is not only about getting rid of things you don‘t need. It is also about deciding what you you let into your life in the first place.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#167 – one word resolution

simplicity of happiness · happy#167 – one word resolution

Did you have a new years resolution. Come on, not a tiny one?
So how is that one going?
Maybe not so good?
Here I have an idea. In fact, its not my idea, I borrowed it from Mike Mandel. As so often simplifying will help your unconscious to have a clear direction what to aim for. So the resolution consists of one word only.
Most likely that word is some kind of nominalization, a verb that you turn into a noun. Mine for example is „sailing“.
Normally a nominalisation can become a bit of a problem in communication because every person interpretates it different. In this case that’s no problem. It is your word and you are the only one who decides what you fill it with and your unconsciousness already knows.
You’ll include that one word into your morning routine, your decision taking process, your meditation, your prayer, whatever you do to keep yourself focused.
This word will start to give you a clear direction. You will start to take decisions that will clear up the path to living your goal.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#166 – who is the fool

simplicity of happiness · happy#166 – who is the fool

Who is the fool, the fool or the fool who follows the fool. I read plenty about people who complain about ignorant people at the top and there are for sure enough of them. To mention a few of them
* Trump
* Erdogan
* Putin
* Orban
* Maduro
* Bolzanero
Especially with Bolzanero being sworn into office at the beginning of this month I read a couple of articles about the world being doomed by the powerful few.

The few who are in control of the media.
The few who control the 100 companies who produce 50% of the worldwide emissions.
The few who produce the weapons that kill so many.
The few who control most of the money.

But guess what, you can’t take over power by yourself. Power is always something that others give to you. Sounds weird? Well let us look at most of the political figures I mentioned at the top. All of them where elected in a democratic progress. 
You might argue that they mislead the public with desinformation or that they used injustice in the democratic process, but in the end they somehow played by the rules and a major part of the population wanted them as their leader.
If no one wanted them in the first place, they wouldn’t be where they are right now.
Same for the companies. Ok, they make money with what they are doing, BUT 
1. no company takes decisions, its always people behind each decision.
2. If nobody would work for the company, they couldn’t produce and they couldn’t make money. 
3. Furthermore somebody has to buy their products. And once again, it’s the buyers free choice to buy or not to buy.
Same with the weapon industry.
And last but not least we would always have the chance to elect politicians who create laws that would limit those activities. Now I can already hear people complain, that there are no good politician and/or that the ones with good opinion and uncorrupted minds don’t have a chance because they will be discriminated by big bussiness. 
Once again, if a majority would vote different tables would turn. It is up to you and every single one of us. If we won’t have a change in politics or in society it is due to a lack of willingness to change among all of us.
Be the change you want to see in the world.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#165 – the concept of reality

simplicity of happiness · happy#165 – the concept of reality

Happy new year to you. Thank you for being a listener over the last year. As you might know, has it been a bit bumpy for me and I am sure that you are able to tell your own story about ups and downs.
Always remember that your ups can be somebody elses downs and vice versa.
Everything depends on the perspective. If you could change perspective things could look different and sometimes exactly that change of perspective is too difficult.
Now it gets really weird.
Even reality depends on perspective, whether you see a chair as a chair, wether you can look rigth through it or don’t see it at all depends on perspective. Even whether you see it as matter or only as energy depends on your perspective.
That means that all the images that you have in your mind are only reflection of the reality and when you want to solve a real problem you are always dealing with your own perspective, your own representation of reality and therefor it doesn’t matter if you deal with the problem or create a metaphor which is often way easier to change.
Give it a try.

Interesting read, an end to upside down thinking:

Take care my friend, Floh

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