
happy#194 – always room to improve

simplicity of happiness · happy#194 – always room to improve

As we talked about growth… there is always room for it. You will not reach the end of growth, because you can also move on from the position you are at in the moment.
I had a 15min speed coaching session with John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs on Fire. He became as financially successful as you you can be with a Podcast. 
Even for him there is room to improve, because becoming successful in one thing means missing out on something else. When you master it you might want to go for the next.

All the best, Floh


happy#193 – what brought you here won’t get you there

simplicity of happiness · happy#193 – what brought you here won’t get you there

The beginning of this year has been in the name of change and growth. Mainly how to embrace struggle, failure and backsets into a learning possibility and the opportunity to grow.
A belief and mindset that helps you on that journey is the realization that what brought you here won‘t get you there.
When you reached a plateau and that is were you want to be, all you need to to is continue as before.
The moment you are unsatisfied with that, doing more of what you have done so far will only hold you back from future growth. What made you successful to this level is what is holding you back from the next.

All the best, Floh


happy#192 – islands

simplicity of happiness · happy#192 – islands

As you know, I love the ocean. I love sailing and it makes a perfect metaphor for life.

It also is a decent tool for coaching, mainly because of the lack of distraction. You have a clear routine and in between a lot of time where you can’t do lot. You can’t go anywhere and even on the boat the options are limited. That might come close to the natural daily routine of our ancestors and gives you plenty of time to think.

Another important aspect is that nothing is moving fast. The fastest you‘ll see will be a passing bird or a jumping dolphin. That will slow you down and free your mind.

All the best, Floh


happy#191 – achievements

simplicity of happiness · happy#191 – achievements

In the last episodes I talked about the up & down cycles of success (and happiness), the opportunities, and the possibility of growth. All of these need you to see and value your achievements. Often we are so busy being busy that we don‘t see our progress and achievements.

As an example I give an overview of my own achievements in a year that did not feel too successful while doing it. Yet I was laying a foundation for growths.

Looking back the last year (or five) what are your achievements. What were your struggles where you were able to learn important things for the future?

Let me know.

All the best, Floh


happy#190 – growth

simplicity of happiness · happy#190 – growth

Growth happens at the edge of your comfort zone. When everything is running smooth in your life, it looks to the outside world as if you are improving at the moment. What is actually happening, is that you are putting the growth into practice that you achieved in your last downside.
The last year put me through a lot of ditches and it did not always feel great to go through them but I was able to learn a lot and already had the chance to get the first rewards.
What is it that you are learning at the moment?
Where do you grow?

All the best, Floh


happy#189 – see the opportunities

simplicity of happiness · happy#189 – see the opportunities

I made plans in the past and meant to realize them. Then life happened. Things came different and and I realized an even bigger dream.

You see, plans can be helpful and it depends a lot on your psychology, weather you need more flexibility or a set of rules for yourself.

In any case, it might be helpful if you keep your bigger picture in mind. So often we get stuck in daily routine, in the next step and me miss the opportunities that are presented to us.

Seeing the opportunities requires and open mind, staying curious and hungry for change and growth.

Always keep in mind: When one door is closing, another one opens up.

All the best, Floh


happy#188 – 2020 up and down

simplicity of happiness · happy#188 – 2020 up and down

Imagine you were a professional basketball player. You’d need your time off every now and then. Concentrate, heal, recover and refocus are natural cycles of life.
I became aware of that again after some weeks of podcasting vacation.
I needed to refocus and put my hands on other projects and it brought to my attention that we need to allow ups and downs in everything we do. This natural fluctuation allows us to reach further and further up. Especially the downtimes can become our major learning experience. That’s when we become better, when we prepare for the next step.
Where are you in your life at the moment? 
Are you ready for the next level?

All the best, Floh


happy#187 – sahara learnings 2019

simplicity of happiness · happy#187 – sahara learnings 2019

Each time that I am visiting the desert I learn something new. Although I already know about the magic of the desert I am surprised every time.
In Sahara I am very close to the one I want to be. When I am without distraction, sitting in the sand and watching the beautiful desert, I find time for thoughts that give me new ideas.
Apart from that there is something new to discover each time I visit. This time I saw animals I knew where there but never met.
That let me to some thoughts about reality and the perception thereof…

All the best, Floh


happy#186 – dr. death dies

simplicity of happiness · happy#186 – dr. death dies

How often do you think about your own legacy?
By legacy I mean everything that will remain after you are gone. What do you want other people to keep in mind about you?
After I asked myself that question for the very first time, my mindset shifted. Once you bring in a longterm perspective into your decision a lot of them might be taken completely different.

A story that brings my thoughts to the point is about a guy who invented TNT and was about to be remembered as Dr. Death.

All the best, Floh


happy#185 – an external view

simplicity of happiness · happy#185 – an external view

Sometimes I think that I have it figured all out. After all, I did so much coaching with others and am well aware of my own desires and wishes that I am the only one who does not need to have an own coach.
Guess what, that ain‘t true. 
No matter how experienced you are, it always helps to get an external view to reflect yourself. Your unconscious mind will always find justifications for everything you do and also automates as much as possible.
The last coaching sessions that I received made just a tiny shift in my thinking but the effects are immense.
You can compare it to an ocean crossing. Just a tiny shift of some degrees might end you in a complete different country at the end of your voyage. Not to mention what will happen if you aimed for an island in the middle of an ocean. It feels as if you are moving in the right direction, but half a degree off and it doesn’t matter how fast you go and you will miss your goal altogether.

Are you sure that you are on track?

All the best, Floh

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