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happy#042 – principles, not rules

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So many rules are hard to follow. Sometimes it’s almost impossible. For example the rule to not cross a red light. Even at 3am and completely alone. Wouldn’t it be so nice to change those rules into principles. More like a: You have no priority when cars are coming… We could also apply more principles instead of rules to our own life. Principles offer a variety of possibilities instead a simple yes or no. Follow… Read More »happy#042 – principles, not rules

happy#043 – million is just a number

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I so much wanted to be a millionaire when I was young. Now that I am, I had to to find out, that I forget to specify the currency. Since then i keep asking myself what the currency means anyway. It is just an agreement build on trust that a million here is more worse than over there. And still, a number can always be taken away from you.What does it make sense to invest… Read More »happy#043 – million is just a number

happy#041 – life’s a rough road

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When life feels like a rough road and you neither know why you are on it nor if it will ever end you might discover a surprise once it does. The roughest road lead to the most remote and beautiful places. Follow me on:

happy#040 – surprises make happy

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If someone really surprises you with something that you really like that can make you happy, right?To be surprised it needs to be something that you don’t usually have and something that you don’t expect. Because I reduced so much over the last years and am happy with so little that I just had the situation of total surprise in the middle of nowhere in Southern Tanzania. Follow me on:

happy#039 – risks worth taking

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The bigger the risk is the bigger the change can be. Big change can lead to an immense improve of your situation. What are the risks that you fear to take? Follow me on:

happy#038 – trust

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Dealing with people always comes down to trust. You trust somebody or you don’t. Even more important: do others trust you? Investing in your consistency and therefor reliability will lead to more people trusting you, which would be a very good investment in you future. Follow me on:

happy#036 – no shortcut to success

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Wouldn’t it be nice and easy to know the shortcuts in life? You can find tons of books out there that try to teach you how you can systematically learn and train the shortcuts to more success and/or happiness. Unfortunately that is just not working on a sustainable level. Especially with happiness you will have to get into the doing. Without action there is no body reaction. Without body reaction there is no emotion, no… Read More »happy#036 – no shortcut to success

happy#037 – accept now

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What would happen if you’d wake up tomorrow and live the life of somebody else? Would you regret decisions made in the past? Or would you examine the situation and try to take the right decision from on? Imagine you had the freedom to take just the situations that you think re right now and make life better?Guess what? That’s what you will do tomorrow! Follow me on:

happy#035 – medicine

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Normally I am not sick very often. Now I was. Three times in a row and I was so thankful to have the possibility to rely on modern medicine although I mostly look for another solution.It showed me, that so many of the modern inventions actually are good and make our life easier one or another way. It only becomes difficult when we rely on them so much that we think we can’t go without.… Read More »happy#035 – medicine

happy#034 – freedom

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What does freedom mean to you? Is it only your own freedom or do you also think about other peoples freedom. And what can you do to increase both? Follow me on:

happy#033 – no body, no chocolate

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All our feelings and emotions are reactions of our brain to our body. If you don’t take care of your body you won’t make it to a happy life.My advice, watch your body. Be ware of what you put in and train it as much as you can. Follow me on:

happy#032 – inbox zero

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One of the most annoying things in busy peoples life is often the hundreds of email they receive everyday. One of the most successful strategies you can use to reduce the stress of a full inbox and even countless unread emails is INBOX ZERO. Follow me on:

happy#030 – focus on one task

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African time 😉 After posting episode 28 after 29 I went straight to 31 and today the missing 30. I’ll work on my counting: Distraction, procrastination, whatever you might call it. Staying focused seems to be one of the major issues nowadays. This doesn’t get better when you are a busy person. Although some might argue that they are good multitaskers that will most likely not be true. You might be able to do two… Read More »happy#030 – focus on one task

happy#031 – convincing

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Whenever you try to convince anyone of one of your plans or if you try to speak about a problem you have or had it helps to follow some simple rules. Follow me on:

happy#028 – scheduled events

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Sitting on a rooftop in Marrakesh I recorded this episode about my plans for 2017 and then the whole episode got lost and was rediscovered just now. Follow me on:

happy#029 – happy new year

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Happy new year to all of you and welcome to my 100 days of daily podcasting with the tip of the day. Follow me on:

happy#027 – sahara

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After the 4th day of walking through Sahara with my SAHARA experience IV group I recorded this episode covered in the shade of one of the few trees around. I caught a cold just before I left to Sahara which you might be able tell. Apart from that I was at peace with myself and the earth. If you ever feel, that you are too distracted in life and it hard for you to focus… Read More »happy#027 – sahara

happy#026 – mindpalace

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I recorded this interview a while ago with two amazing young women who run their own podcast called „the mind palace podcast“. Their show is dedicated to minimalism and the joy of less. The English-American team talked about podcasting, friendship, and shaping the future. JESSICA LYNN WILLIAMS is an artist and I am a lover of written word, both in reading and writing.She works as a freelance web designer and minimalist mentor in Maui, Hawaii… Read More »happy#026 – mindpalace

happy#025 – live or die

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So often I just get caught up in stuff I didn’t mean to do before. I don’t know how it is with you, but often that kind of stuff doesn’t do me any good. When I recognize that, I often think that… well, tomorrow is just another day.Now I had to realize that no matter how old you are, every day can be your last and I try to live up to best person I… Read More »happy#025 – live or die

happy#024 – love people, use stuff

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It makes so much sense to say things like: love people and use stuff, but every now and then it happens be quite hard to act accordingly. To get what you want it seems to be the easiest to manipulate and use other people. Isn’t that what everybody is doing. And the new car, new phone, new stereo, new snowboard you just bought and spent so much time working for the money to buy. Isn’t it… Read More »happy#024 – love people, use stuff