
happy#189 – see the opportunities

simplicity of happiness · happy#189 – see the opportunities

I made plans in the past and meant to realize them. Then life happened. Things came different and and I realized an even bigger dream.

You see, plans can be helpful and it depends a lot on your psychology, weather you need more flexibility or a set of rules for yourself.

In any case, it might be helpful if you keep your bigger picture in mind. So often we get stuck in daily routine, in the next step and me miss the opportunities that are presented to us.

Seeing the opportunities requires and open mind, staying curious and hungry for change and growth.

Always keep in mind: When one door is closing, another one opens up.

All the best, Floh


happy#188 – 2020 up and down

simplicity of happiness · happy#188 – 2020 up and down

Imagine you were a professional basketball player. You’d need your time off every now and then. Concentrate, heal, recover and refocus are natural cycles of life.
I became aware of that again after some weeks of podcasting vacation.
I needed to refocus and put my hands on other projects and it brought to my attention that we need to allow ups and downs in everything we do. This natural fluctuation allows us to reach further and further up. Especially the downtimes can become our major learning experience. That’s when we become better, when we prepare for the next step.
Where are you in your life at the moment? 
Are you ready for the next level?

All the best, Floh


happy#187 – sahara learnings 2019

simplicity of happiness · happy#187 – sahara learnings 2019

Each time that I am visiting the desert I learn something new. Although I already know about the magic of the desert I am surprised every time.
In Sahara I am very close to the one I want to be. When I am without distraction, sitting in the sand and watching the beautiful desert, I find time for thoughts that give me new ideas.
Apart from that there is something new to discover each time I visit. This time I saw animals I knew where there but never met.
That let me to some thoughts about reality and the perception thereof…

All the best, Floh


happy#186 – dr. death dies

simplicity of happiness · happy#186 – dr. death dies

How often do you think about your own legacy?
By legacy I mean everything that will remain after you are gone. What do you want other people to keep in mind about you?
After I asked myself that question for the very first time, my mindset shifted. Once you bring in a longterm perspective into your decision a lot of them might be taken completely different.

A story that brings my thoughts to the point is about a guy who invented TNT and was about to be remembered as Dr. Death.

All the best, Floh


happy#185 – an external view

simplicity of happiness · happy#185 – an external view

Sometimes I think that I have it figured all out. After all, I did so much coaching with others and am well aware of my own desires and wishes that I am the only one who does not need to have an own coach.
Guess what, that ain‘t true. 
No matter how experienced you are, it always helps to get an external view to reflect yourself. Your unconscious mind will always find justifications for everything you do and also automates as much as possible.
The last coaching sessions that I received made just a tiny shift in my thinking but the effects are immense.
You can compare it to an ocean crossing. Just a tiny shift of some degrees might end you in a complete different country at the end of your voyage. Not to mention what will happen if you aimed for an island in the middle of an ocean. It feels as if you are moving in the right direction, but half a degree off and it doesn’t matter how fast you go and you will miss your goal altogether.

Are you sure that you are on track?

All the best, Floh


happy#184 – slow down to speed up

simplicity of happiness · happy#184 – slow down to speed up

A week ago, I talked about the tiny steps that will help you achieve your biggest goals.
Another way to look at the very same process is slowing down to speed up. So many of our largest mistakes happen when we rush into something. Being slow, like traveling on a sailboat will make you much more aware of your surroundings. Not only will it help you to notice more but also enjoy it so much more than before.
Joy doesn’t happen in a rush but only when you are fully and truly there to live through the moment.

All the best, Floh


happy#183 – tiny steps

simplicity of happiness · happy#183 – tiny steps

If you follow me and my work for a while, you will know that I want to take the big steps, reach the big goals immediately.
Again and again life teaches me to take tiny steps though, because in the end, the biggest goal is just a combination of countless tiny steps.

Once you focus on your next tiny step, everything is possible.

All the best, Floh


happy#182 – tanzania

simplicity of happiness · happy#182 – tanzania

Sometimes things are difficult in Tanzania. People lack a lot, what we take as granted in the industrialized world.
I had my own struggles as you might know and decided to let go of sunk costs and move on. I talk a bit about Django.Tours, the new project and what fascinates me about East Africa.

There is still there is so much to learn for us. How to take things easy, have a positive view on the moment and the future. It is simple to expect the future to be positive when you don’t have and yet it is a mindset that you choose to have or you don’t.
What amazes me every time is the laughter, the smiling, the dancing, the openess of welcoming new people. 
There is a lot to learn aout the simple art of happiness when looking at Tanzania. Don’t take yourself too serious.

All the best, Floh


happy#181 – everything comes with a price

simplicity of happiness · happy#181 – everything comes with a price

I talked about this concept before. What affects the quality of a situation the most, is not so much the situation itself but your mindset towards it.
Almost every incident in life can be seen from two different perspectives. Everything you love comes with something you don‘t. You will need to accept the downsides to become happy with what you are doing.
I had to experience that the hard way over the last weeks. 
I created my perfect summer sailing on my own boat in the Mediterranean and working from the boat.
Now I struggled so much and I found not only working but even living and traveling on the boat difficult at times.
The waves, the heat, the motorboats and the wind make living on a boat challenging at times. 
Apart from that we got hit by a huge thunderstorm, but well, listen to yourself.

All the best, Floh


happy#180 – learning from horses

simplicity of happiness · happy#180 – learning from horses

I am slowly catching up with the last weeks, where I have been, apart from Mt Meru & Kilimanjaro, one week riding in beautiful Provence. It was the hottest week on records in Southern France. Therefor we chose a tour we had never done before as a group. It took us high up the mountains and as far away from any tarmac road as possible in France.
It was also the first time for me, to be able to focus completely on the riding and I finally got a glimpse why horses are such good life coaches.
It is all about communication and being consistent. You can‘t talk horses into something… Either you are straight about it or not. What a good learning experience for life, isn‘t it?

Take care my friend, Floh

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