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happy#187 – sahara learnings 2019

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simplicity of happiness · happy#187 – sahara learnings 2019 Each time that I am visiting the desert I learn something new. Although I already know about the magic of the desert I am surprised every time.In Sahara I am very close to the one I want to be. When I am without distraction, sitting in the sand and watching the beautiful desert, I find time for thoughts that give me new ideas.Apart from that there… Read More »happy#187 – sahara learnings 2019

happy#186 – dr. death dies

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simplicity of happiness · happy#186 – dr. death dies How often do you think about your own legacy?By legacy I mean everything that will remain after you are gone. What do you want other people to keep in mind about you?After I asked myself that question for the very first time, my mindset shifted. Once you bring in a longterm perspective into your decision a lot of them might be taken completely different. A story… Read More »happy#186 – dr. death dies

happy#185 – an external view

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simplicity of happiness · happy#185 – an external view Sometimes I think that I have it figured all out. After all, I did so much coaching with others and am well aware of my own desires and wishes that I am the only one who does not need to have an own coach.Guess what, that ain‘t true. No matter how experienced you are, it always helps to get an external view to reflect yourself. Your unconscious… Read More »happy#185 – an external view

happy#184 – slow down to speed up

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simplicity of happiness · happy#184 – slow down to speed up A week ago, I talked about the tiny steps that will help you achieve your biggest goals.Another way to look at the very same process is slowing down to speed up. So many of our largest mistakes happen when we rush into something. Being slow, like traveling on a sailboat will make you much more aware of your surroundings. Not only will it help… Read More »happy#184 – slow down to speed up

happy#183 – tiny steps

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simplicity of happiness · happy#183 – tiny steps If you follow me and my work for a while, you will know that I want to take the big steps, reach the big goals immediately.Again and again life teaches me to take tiny steps though, because in the end, the biggest goal is just a combination of countless tiny steps. Once you focus on your next tiny step, everything is possible. All the best, Floh Follow… Read More »happy#183 – tiny steps

happy#182 – tanzania

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simplicity of happiness · happy#182 – tanzania Sometimes things are difficult in Tanzania. People lack a lot, what we take as granted in the industrialized world.I had my own struggles as you might know and decided to let go of sunk costs and move on. I talk a bit about Django.Tours, the new project and what fascinates me about East Africa. There is still there is so much to learn for us. How to take… Read More »happy#182 – tanzania

happy#181 – everything comes with a price

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simplicity of happiness · happy#181 – everything comes with a price I talked about this concept before. What affects the quality of a situation the most, is not so much the situation itself but your mindset towards it.Almost every incident in life can be seen from two different perspectives. Everything you love comes with something you don‘t. You will need to accept the downsides to become happy with what you are doing.I had to experience… Read More »happy#181 – everything comes with a price

takes two to tango

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Ever tried to dance tango on your own? Difficult, right? Not only is it difficult alone, but also when you don’t harmonize with your partner and/or one is trying to lead by pressure. It is a silent cooperation that is based on a set of agreements. You set some boundaries for your joined experience and then you dance in harmony. It makes sense to decide beforehand  if the dance will be polka or tango. all… Read More »takes two to tango

climbing high & coaching deep

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Most coachings are about reaching the next possible goal. Breaking it down in small reachable steps and setting the mindset to get started.

I am not interested in that. I don’t want to get paid for helping my clients to stay ordinary. I am looking for the extraordinary in you. I want to empower you to dream big and turn your dreams into your truth.

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I like to see myself as a fearless adventurous guy. One, who leaves the known behind in search for the life I love.I dream about all these different places I will visit and things I will do, but… …sometimes I become fearful when I have a closer look at my plans. I back up because I fear it might go wrong once I am starting. …and sometimes I become fearful once I get there. I… Read More »fearful

professional? not with me… anymore!

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For the longest time in my professional career I tried to be professional, not too sloppy, not too emotional, not too esoteric, not too spiritual.

I started as a Headhunter and realized I don‘t want to fill random positions for random people in random industries. I wanted to work for human beings and lead by living an extraordinary life myself.

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happy#180 – learning from horses

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simplicity of happiness · happy#180 – learning from horses I am slowly catching up with the last weeks, where I have been, apart from Mt Meru & Kilimanjaro, one week riding in beautiful Provence. It was the hottest week on records in Southern France. Therefor we chose a tour we had never done before as a group. It took us high up the mountains and as far away from any tarmac road as possible in… Read More »happy#180 – learning from horses

happy#179 – death on kilimanjaro

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simplicity of happiness · happy#179 – death on kilimanjaro Have you ever been on Kilimanjaro? Let me invite you on a journey. As we were climbing the mountain in June it showed us all its magic. Highest single standing mountain on Earth, highest mountain in Africa, one of the largest volcanos on Earth, all climate zone, equator, East Africa… to name a few of the aspects. For us who climbed it, it brought us pain, laughter,… Read More »happy#179 – death on kilimanjaro

happy#178 – safari

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simplicity of happiness · happy#178 – safari I have been on an amazing trip to Africa, Mount Meru, national parks, wildlife, Kilimanjaro with tons of emotions and a journey into our past.Once again it amazed me to see beautiful nature in national parks even larger than some countries. To see the complexity and harmony of nature which is left alone by the humans is a gift and reminds me on how important it is for… Read More »happy#178 – safari

happy#177 – how coaching changes everything

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simplicity of happiness · happy#177 – how coaching changes everything Coaching has the potential to change everything – for you. Unlike consulting, coaching does not offer a new action plan or one new set of goals. At least does it have the potential to change much more.Good coaching touches you on the inside and is able to unveil your biggest dreams and greatest desires. It can shift your mindset, change your image of the world and… Read More »happy#177 – how coaching changes everything

happy#176 – family

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simplicity of happiness · happy#176 – family Family first!You have to be there for your family!You can’t do that, think about your family! Do these sound familiar to you? Fortunately I haven’t heard them in my family, but I had been married into a family where this seemed the most important. At least as long as you didn‘d dig deeper, becaus then the destinction wasn‘t that clear anymore. There were on the one hand some… Read More »happy#176 – family

happy#175 – traveling

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simplicity of happiness · happy#175 – traveling Moving your physical body from one place to the other is not traveling. Move your mind as well and be present. More than that, don’t only change places but visit places you haven‘t seen before. Do something new for body and mind and you truly travel.True travel will kick you out of your comfort zone and will help to widen your horizon.But leaving the comfort zone is scary,… Read More »happy#175 – traveling

happy#174 – mentor

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simplicity of happiness · happy#174 – mentor Do you think that you can grow and thrive all on your own? Or does it help to look up to someone and may even have the chance to call that person and receive help? I believe that having a mentor is one of the major aspects to thrive and develop your personality. I experienced in my life over and over that being in contact with a person… Read More »happy#174 – mentor

happy#173 – mean it

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simplicity of happiness · happy#173 – mean it How would it be, if you could take communication literally…? Wouldn‘t that make a lot of things easier?I had to things about communication and the reason and use of using words that represent exactly what you mean in order to prepare a company workshop and realized this would make a good topic for a podcast episode.Short version:Cut all the BS and say what you mean and mean… Read More »happy#173 – mean it