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Episodes of the Simplicity Of Happiness Podcast.

happy#028 – scheduled events

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Sitting on a rooftop in Marrakesh I recorded this episode about my plans for 2017 and then the whole episode got lost and was rediscovered just now. Follow me on:

happy#029 – happy new year

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Happy new year to all of you and welcome to my 100 days of daily podcasting with the tip of the day. Follow me on:

happy#027 – sahara

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After the 4th day of walking through Sahara with my SAHARA experience IV group I recorded this episode covered in the shade of one of the few trees around. I caught a cold just before I left to Sahara which you might be able tell. Apart from that I was at peace with myself and the earth. If you ever feel, that you are too distracted in life and it hard for you to focus… Read More »happy#027 – sahara

happy#026 – mindpalace

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I recorded this interview a while ago with two amazing young women who run their own podcast called „the mind palace podcast“. Their show is dedicated to minimalism and the joy of less. The English-American team talked about podcasting, friendship, and shaping the future. JESSICA LYNN WILLIAMS is an artist and I am a lover of written word, both in reading and writing.She works as a freelance web designer and minimalist mentor in Maui, Hawaii… Read More »happy#026 – mindpalace

happy#025 – live or die

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So often I just get caught up in stuff I didn’t mean to do before. I don’t know how it is with you, but often that kind of stuff doesn’t do me any good. When I recognize that, I often think that… well, tomorrow is just another day.Now I had to realize that no matter how old you are, every day can be your last and I try to live up to best person I… Read More »happy#025 – live or die

happy#024 – love people, use stuff

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It makes so much sense to say things like: love people and use stuff, but every now and then it happens be quite hard to act accordingly. To get what you want it seems to be the easiest to manipulate and use other people. Isn’t that what everybody is doing. And the new car, new phone, new stereo, new snowboard you just bought and spent so much time working for the money to buy. Isn’t it… Read More »happy#024 – love people, use stuff

happy#018 – open borders

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I am traveling a lot and I see how much traveling helps my mind and my understanding to develop. When I open the news or even facebook I read about people whose biggest desire it seems to be to shut down the borders and isolate them from the rest of the world. As if this would change anything for the better.Therefor this episode is a pledge to open the borders. Not only in your heads… Read More »happy#018 – open borders

happy#019 – failure

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One of the events that can make the biggest difference for the positive in your life is a decent FAILURE. Fail often and fail early. And then? Keep learning from it. What makes a failure a failure is yourself. You could also regard it as a feedback from the universe and develop further.Failures can become your life’s greatest learning experiences. Look at at what you thought were failures and start learning! Now! Follow me on:… Read More »happy#019 – failure

happy#020 – control

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Neither are kids in control of their life nor do they think they are. Often they decide based on the situation and their feelings. And then they grow up. They learn, that mankind is dominated the nature and that we are in control. That it is just a question of right technique. Not being in control is soon regarded as a weakness and failure. The fear to lose control can become so great that some… Read More »happy#020 – control

happy#021 – paperless

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Have you ever thought about all the paper stuff that is in your cupboard? I talked so often about stuff you own and mentioned mostly clothes. But when you draw you attention to all the papers you own it can easily add up to several 100 pounds. Why do you keep it? Emotions? Important information?You can enjoy all of that when it is digitalized as well. I am going to present you some tools that… Read More »happy#021 – paperless

happy#022 – two chairs

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Today I am sharing a coaching tool with you that can help you to to change the behaviors of other. At least it can help you change your interaction you loop you experience with the person you have a problem with. You might even go further and solve problems that only exist in your mind or even pain might be reduced or disappears afterwards. Follow me on:

happy#023 – hello & farewell

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The realization that you will eventually lose everything that you ever value in your life might either lead to a depression or can make you enjoy every moment in life.Everything material object, even our bodies have a beginning and an end. Some things just last longer than others. One day either they or you are broken and it s up to you wether you suffer or the enjoy the time that you have. Follow me… Read More »happy#023 – hello & farewell

happy#014 – are you god?

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„Are you god?“ is not the question that I ask myself but the character in a short story I recently read. Since I wouldn’t consider myself a religious but more of a spiritual person. Sometimes it might help to see yourself as part of something bigger, to start treating everybody else as good as you would like to be treated yourself. It is the simplicity of happiness that matters most. Follow me on:

happy#015 – LAURENT BURDIN | the interview

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Laurent Burdin is founder of Space and Lemon GmbH, mixing two activities of startup mentoring and innovation agency. In Hamburg, Berlin and soon in London. The agency activity targets at larger corporations focusing on business development two years ahead, on predictive analytics and always has a startup dimension.This „something new“ company was launched in 2016. In 2015 Laurent Burdin toured the tech and startup world from San Francisco to Shanghai. Before that he managed digital… Read More »happy#015 – LAURENT BURDIN | the interview

happy#016 – sleep

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Whatever your goal is to achieve in life, you wont reach it if you don’t have enough energy. No matter how hard you train, you will refill energy when you are asleep. You pay more attention to your sleep, you’ll sleep better and you will reach more of your goal in a shorter time with less effort. LINKS: Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson Meditation App I: headspace.comMeditation App II: Follow me on:

happy#017 – fear

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What is the single most limiting emotion that you have? Mine was fear!When I started changing my life I started to face one fear after another. I learned to deal with them and eventually got rid of most of them. That increased my personal freedom more than anything else. You can’t blackmail me anymore because I don’t fear and I am not attached to stuff anymore.Ged rid of your fear as well. It is the simplicity… Read More »happy#017 – fear

happy#013 – BEN LEE | the interview

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The first interview partner of the show is Ben Lee, an Englishman in Australia. Ben could be the co-host of the show, such a nice and friendly guy who is always in a positive mood. It was fun to interview him, as he did quiet some changes in his life and learned along the way to never regret.Enjoy listening to this courageous guy who went from tree surgeon in England to beer brewer in Australia… Read More »happy#013 – BEN LEE | the interview

happy#012 – health

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A healthy mind needs a healthy body and only a healthy mind can experience true happiness. My conclusion is that you need to watch you body and keep it healthy to live a happy life. Unfortunately we don’t recognize until it is almost too late that we are treating our body bad. I tried to some up some of the most important aspects to watch.– sleep– body strength– body flexibility– nutritionIf you are interested in… Read More »happy#012 – health

happy#011 – declutter

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When you thinks about living a happy life, it makes sense to think about what brings value and joy to your life and what doesn’t. Do more and get more of what does and get rid of what does not. That is the simple underlying message of simplicity. Keep it simple and focused on what matters most. Your mind, your stuff your life.In this episode I give you a very brief overview on 10 simple… Read More »happy#011 – declutter

happy#010 – motivation

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This is the first episode of the podcast that doesn’t deal with the story of me but gives some real advice. I start with the tool that caused the initial change in my life that keeps changing to the better ever since. It is called the ReissProfile and deals with basic desires of human psychology.I am introducing the tool and give you an overview, about the 16 desires so that you might get a first… Read More »happy#010 – motivation