
SE05 happy#224 – because you can

simplicity of happiness · SE05 happy#224 – because you can

So often, people need to have a reason to take action. It can become difficult to chose between investment and return, especially when helping others? 

Does there really need to be a return or is it about how we feel ourself doing it in the first place?


happy#223 – introvert

simplicity of happiness · happy#223 – introvert

Introvert or Extrovert. Most of us heart these terms before, but who can recall any business training, strategy or job motivation that did not seem to be for the extroverts.

I belief that this is more on the behavioral site than a real character trade and this behavior being caused by different intrinsic motivations. Nevertheless it occurs in each one of us.


happy#222 – retire early

simplicity of happiness · happy#222 – retire early

While working on this podcast episode, I stumbled upon this text:

F–– You Money

Back in the 1920s, the actor Humphrey Bogart used to keep a $100 bill in his nightstand at all times. That’s the equivalent of over $1,200 today. He referred to it as his ‘f–– you money’, because it meant he’d never be forced to take a part he didn’t want. He once said that the only good reason for making money was so you can tell anyone in the world to go to hell.


happy#221 – life design

simplicity of happiness · happy#221 – life design

I met Carlos and Susanne when they interviewed me for their podcast life design and there I had the feeling there is more to discuss in further details.

At first glance they seem to be a happy couple that found their role by successfully raising 4 children and having a career.


happy#220 – life transitions

simplicity of happiness · happy#220 – life transitions

Is a minimalist life possession free?

No, it is well curated!

Things that minimalists own, fulfill a purpose and often you will find a lot of high quality items in their daily life.


happy#206 – insides into coaching

simplicity of happiness · happy#206 – insides into coaching

These years lockdowns turn out to have something quite positive for me. I don‘t think that I have stayed for so long at the same place in the last 10 years.
That meant for me not going on any adventures, not traveling and not starting anything new. Well, at least not except for my tiny farm project in the Swiss mountains.

I was frustrated about that at times, but after accepting the fact it forced me to acknowledge reality and live in the moment. 
What could I do right now and right here?
What do I want to do right now and right here?

Among other things I focused on bringing my business online. I worked on my online presence and I finally took my time and started editing videos, mostly because I want to start publishing the recorded videos of the last years. As a result I decided to also publish the Podcast as a Videoblog as well.

This is the first episode that will be available on both and you can have a look at my Simplicity Of Happiness channel at

In the episode I talk about a principle that I have in mind while coaching. It is strongly related and almost identical to the logical levels of Robert Dilts. His work influenced and shaped NLP and his model and the intervention based on Dilts logical levels is fundamental to NLP to this day.

The 6 levels are: top to bottom:
– Spiritual
– Identity
– Beliefs
– Capabilities
– Behavior
– Environment

Until then, take care my friend.

Best, Floh

Follow me at:


happy#202 – reduce your mental clutter

simplicity of happiness · happy#201 – symptom or cause?

It has been a while that I moved from Berlin and it has even been a few years more that I started my journey to minimalism and reduce my clutter.
There was a time when I could not let go of excess stuff. While my income was increasing I purchased new stuff every once in a while but I did not let go of the old.
I used to have closets full of clothes, most of them I never wore.
After I found out that less could actually mean more, I reduced and got rid of most things I didn‘t use.
But still…when we started our 8 month journey with our old school camper-van Emma a lot of stuff didn‘t fit and stayed in Berlin. Some in friends basements, some stayed in the apartment with the friends who live there now.
A lot of the stuff were books and it is a serious discussion, wheather it is really worth keeping books that you are not reading. After all, could you look up the information elsewhere once you need it.
What has been a huge relief to me though was clearing out these friends place. Decluttering is not only important for physical stuff but also mentally.
By getting these things done, I reduced mental clutter because I don’t need to worry about when and how we’ll take care of it. Freeing up your unconscious mind creates potential to deal with… e.g. creativity.
What is it that you could reduce to free up your mind?
Take care my friend, Floh

Do you want to find ou more about ways to declutter: Maybe you want to consider a coaching call.


happy#201 – symptom or cause?

simplicity of happiness · happy#201 – symptom or cause?

Don’t we often mistake the symptoms for the cause?
Somehow this seems to be a a very humanly behavior because we don’t only do it for ourselves.
I have recently been on a road trip through Germany and I was shocked to see how many forests all over the country where dying.

A result of the heat I thought and a research showed that they actually die because of some bugs. 
But the bugs have been there as long as the trees. So this does not have only one cause. Multiple factors of stress add up until they reach a level where the trees can’t cope with it anymore. 
Isn’t that the same in your life? 
Where do you confuse symptom and cause and what can you do to work on the cause so the symptoms disappear?

All the best, Floh


happy#200 – tiny steps add up

simplicity of happiness · happy#200 – tiny steps add up

In preparation for this episode I wanted to look for something special at first. 
Then I realized, that it doesn‘t matter if it was episode 200, 300, 1000 or any random number in between. It is always the most important episode that I am recording at the moment. Life is a progress and always now.
Therefor it also doesn‘t make sense to feel grief about the past or anxiety about the future.

I found out how difficult it is to acknowledge what you have achieved in the past, especially when you are a high achiever.

What I am asking you to do is step back and see your full life in front of you. Acknowledge what you have done, see who you want to have been and draw the right conclusions from the two to act now.

What is the tiniest step towards your biggest dream that you can do today?

All the best, Floh


happy#199 – the chained elephant

simplicity of happiness · happy#199 – the chained elephant

During a coaching I was reminded of a metaphor I once heard and am going to tell you in this episode.
What does this metaphor mean for your life?
What can you do about it?

All the best, Floh

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