
happy#138 – quality

simplicity of happiness · happy#138 – quality

Quality vs. quantity. What do you prefer? More of what you don’t like anyway or just enough of exactly the right thing? You might not be able to influence the quantity of your life as each day has just 24 hours for everyone, but you can massively influence the quality of your life.
Quality is made in your head and it is only up to you what is going on in your head.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#137 – what comes around goes around

simplicity of happiness · happy#137 – what comes around goes around

Whatever you will put out in the world will come back sooner or later. And I am sure that the world won’t distinguish between good or evil, revenge or justice. You may describe this phenomena with the balance of energies or just the RAS, but I am going to explain that in the podcast.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#136 – patreon

simplicity of happiness · happy#136 – patreon

While figuring out how to prioritize tasks I had the idea that it might not be about now. Much more important might it be that one day we have no time to change but can only look back and then it will be about the person we have been. It is now that you take the steps towards that person you once have been. My goal is to inspire as many people as possible to live the life they love. And you can help by becoming a Patron.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#135 – educate kidz

simplicity of happiness · happy#135 – educate kidz

During my last trip to Zanzibar it became so obvious, that all the people surrounding me where not heading towards a positiv future for themselves and their families. The uneducation seemed to have become an even bigger problem and leaving me no option to work with local people from the village. I thought that I could either complain or do something about it.
I took the second option, founded KIDZ individual development for Zanzibar and am sending local kids to school now!

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#134 – the urge to buy a book

simplicity of happiness · happy#134 – the urge to buy a book

I wanted to buy a book. Or two? Well…Kindle plus paperback. Just to show off. What a nice picture of the world. What matters more? The inside or the outside?

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#133 – no reality

simplicity of happiness · happy#133 – no reality

Guess what? There is no such thing as reality out there. And if there is nobody has ever seen it. Reality is always a question of perspective and focus. So if you ever doubt or dislike what you see, feel or experience out there it might be due to your perspective and focus.
If you change that, you might even be one big step closer to a happy life.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#132 – talking about the weather

simplicity of happiness · happy#132 – talking about the weather

Its getting cold outside. Winter, dark, sometimes rainy, hopefully snowy and why this should not affect my, or your mood at all. There is no bad weather, there is only bad clothing. 
Some for life. There is only bad attitude. You are the only one to decide about the attitude that you have.
Own your thoughts.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#131 – know yourself

simplicity of happiness · happy#131 – know yourself

Just back from Sahara, I am still recapturing what has happened this time and what kind of a wonderful journey it has been again. During many conversations and long evenings at the campfire it once again became so crystal clear that most of the unhappiness in peoples life comes from not knowing what they really want.
It makes sense to go there first and find out what it is that you are thriving for and then adjust your life to that.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#130 – simple foods

simplicity of happiness · happy#130 – simple foods

There are so many areas of simplicity that we could talk about. But where does it all start? I think we have to start with what we are made of, our food. If we overcomplicate the way we produce our food, how shall we be able to live a simple life?
By simple food I don’t mean to be simple of variety? I mean to remain simple with the processing. Eat as cloth to nature as you are able to.

Take care my friend, Floh


happy#129 – own thoughts

simplicity of happiness · happy#129 – own thoughts

YOU ARE THE BOSS of your own thoughts. That’s right. If it wasn’t you, who is in charge, who is?
This episodes is about how to manage your own thoughts and how happiness is a choice.

Take care my friend, Floh

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